Monday, 21 November 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 21st - 27th November. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went OK. A few meals were skipped but it's nothing to worry or stress about, no food went to waste. We had a meal out on Saturday night which was fantastic and made even more special as my friend and her husband from up in Northumberland came to surprise me for a visit. I have had such an amazing weekend and finished it off with Sunday lunch out at the little cafe which we always go to. It was like a proper home made roast dinner and a bargain price too. 

It's my birthday today and if all goes to plan I am getting some shopping delivered this morning with my birthday cake. I did choose a fancy strawberry and cream one but when I checked the order over the weekend it was out of stock so I've gone with a Lemon Curd cake. Ellie is fuming, she says she hates lemon curd and it's not fair. I gently reminded her it's my birthday and I get to choose. This afternoon I am going to the pub to watch the England match. I haven't been to the pub to watch the football since before I had kids but Ellie is at school and she'll be watching the football and both Stu and Becky are off work so we're going to make the most of it.

I have got to the point now where I have just about all I can get for Christmas at the moment. Most of the sweets and chocolate is bought, biscuits, crisps, snack and drinks. My dad is going to take to Iceland in a couple of weeks for the freezer stuff and then it will just be the fresh stuff a couple of days before Christmas.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - A takeaway and it's my choice so I think we will be having an Indians which won't please my family, they're not keen.
Tuesday - Slow cooker beef stew with mash as it went down so well last time.
Wednesday - Chicken fajitas.
Thursday - Some sort of omelette and chips.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Something from Greggs or a Subway while we're out.
Sunday - A roast dinner.

What are you eating this week?


  1. How lucky that your birthday is the day I visit. Enjoy your Indian. It should be my brother's birthday today so I get the choice of takeaway too. We had slow cooked beef stew yesterday and I still have to think about easy to chew foods because I am not sure how long my mouth will take to fully recover.

  2. Happy birthday! I get to choose what take out we have on my birthday too, but I'm trying to persuade my family to go for a pub meal. We will be having a stew this week, we haven't had one in ages. I'm looking forward to dumplings! xx

  3. I hope your birthday cake is delicious! Wishing you a fabulous birthday.

  4. I had a good giggle about you putting your foot down over the takeaway and the birthday cake - of course it's your choice ! The slow cooker beef stew sounds lovely and perfect in this colder weather.
