Friday, 4 November 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Dark! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I don't know why every year I get surprised how early it gets dark when the clocks go back. It's always a bit of a shock when by around 5pm on an evening it's pitch black. I don't think the weather has helped this week though, it has mostly been raining or looking like rain. 

Becky was at work on Saturday night when the clocks changed and she wasn't happy about having to do a 13 hour shift. An extra hour doesn't seem like a lot but seeing it go from 2am back to 1am is very disheartening especially when she knew the rest of us were getting an extra hour in bed. 

Ellie was very excited for Monday and going trick or treating for Halloween. She got in from school at about quarter to four and was all set to go out then. I said no way, she could at least wait until it was nearly dark. She was pacing the floor, looking out of the window watching it get dark. I managed to keep her in until just after half past 4. I sent Becky out with her to keep an eye on her.

Stu and I decided to have a walk to the shop, it seems ages since I was out in the dark but it was fun to see all the little kids dressed up enjoying themselves. The girls got back in just before 8pm and they timed it right, just as they got in the heavens opened. Ellie had a big bag of sweets which should keep her going for a while. hehehe

Becky had her first experience of driving in the dark. Her driving lesson started just after half past four, just as it was coming in dark. She said she was fine on the main, busy roads but going down country lanes with no street lights was terrifying. She has been thrown in at the deep end with her driving lessons, she's had blazing sunshine, rain and now driving in the dark. Her next lesson is at 10am one day next week when hopefully it will just be normal so she can focus on just driving and not thinking about weather conditions and the dark.

Poor Ellie has realised that she won't be playing out with friends unless it's a weekend from now on. By the time she get's in from school, gets changed, has a snack and would be ready to go out it's getting dark. As nice as it is around here I don't like her being out when it's dark.

Ellie and I were back out on Wednesday night because on the local Facebook group someone said that there was a ton of reduced stuff in Tesco. We were in two minds about going out as it was starting to rain and it was really windy but Ellie said that's a good thing, less people would be there to buy stuff. We ended up getting a ton of sandwiches for less than 50p each, a ton of fruit and some cream cakes. Most of the sandwiches and fruit was put in the freezer. 

Tomorrow night we're out in the dark again, we're going to see the local bonfire being lit and the firework display. We could probably see it from our house but there's a fair there and food stalls so it will be something nice to do as a family.

I hope you have had a good week?

Word of the week linky


  1. It rained all evening here on Halloween. We had loads of callers but the Little Man didn't manage to get out because his Dad had to pick his sister up from work and with the weather/traffic and accident it was too late to go out when they got back (and Dad wasn't in the mood!) I do feel sorry for Becky having to work an extra hour, I hope she gets paid extra for it. Our local co-op has bargains just before closing time, but we rarely make it down there. x

  2. We set our clocks back tonight and I am dreading it! I hate when it's so dark out by dinnertime.

  3. The dark always shocks me too! I can't seem to get used to it. I don't go out much during these times and I definitely avoid any fireworks etc. I hear so many gruesome things that happen every year! I'm truly staying put. Hope your daughter gets paid for the extra hour too!

  4. I have never tried freezing sandwiches before. Can you freeze all kinds? I get Too good to go bags sometimes and you can get alot of sandwiches in them.

    I just got back from Turkey where is was 27 degrees, now its 11 degrees! Its so cold haha

  5. You've had an eventful week in your family. I always hated being in the dark at 5 PM. I remember in college I'd feel shocked finishing a class in the dark. It wasn't any better getting off work either. Now that I'm retired - doesn't bother me at all. I had never considered that someone would have to work an extra hour due to the time change. That's horrible. #MMBC

  6. I hope you enjoyed your bonfire night - it sounds like a fun event.
    I was surprised how dark it still was when we got up for school this morning. I thought that changing the clocks would have made it lighter!


  7. I always get a bit surprised by how early it gets dark too at this time of year. I miss being able to get out with the children in the evenings. Driving down dark country roads is not fun for an experienced driver so I can imagine it must be terrifying as a learner. It's good experience though for Becky but hopefully her latest driving lesson has been in better conditions! Sounds like you got quite a few bargains in Tesco. Hope you enjoyed the fireworks display. #WotW
