Saturday 25 March 2023

A photo every day for a year! 18th - 24th March. Week 12 of #Project365

This week seems to have flown over and I've just remembered that the clocks go back tonight. Hmmf. That's no fun, losing an hour of our weekend but at least the nights will be lighter. I have noticed the mornings are lighter, I say every year we need new curtains and then get used to the sunshine and forget about it until this time of year. lol

It has become so clear that Ellie is so close to the end of secondary school. There is more revision being done, the last parents evening is happening next week and we're booked in to see Ellie's teachers and I ordered the dress that Ellie is planning to wear for prom. It cost a lot less than what I was expecting to pay for a prom dress. The countdown is well and truly on to her GCSE's. Eek.

Now for a photo every day!

McDonalds and a Mother's Day card
Nets holding teddy bears
Crisp sandwiches and savoury food at the butchers
Rain on the window and Baileys truffles

77/365 - 18th March
Ellie and I went for a mooch around Hull and we of course had to get McDonalds for lunch.

78/365 - 19th March
Mother's Day and I was indeed treated like a Queen for the day. We had lunch out and an Indian takeaway for tea. What a treat.

79/365 - 20th March
I bought these nets off Amazon for Ellie's room to store her teddy's which she refuses to part with, I thought they were too big but it turns out they were the perfect size. There were more teddies than I thought, I am sure she kept some of the one's she was supposed to throw out.

80/365 - 21st March
Crisp and ham sandwiches for lunch. I used to use just one packet of crisps but now the kids have taught me that if you have prawn cocktail flavoured and a meaty one they taste amazing.

81/365 - 22nd March
I love our little butchers, not so much for the meat but for the sandwiches, savoury snacks and the cakes. They're all made in the shop and it is so hard not to buy one of everything.

82/365 - 23rd March
It seems that the April showers have arrived early. It was sunny and blue skies one minute and chucking it down with black clouds the next.

83/365 - 24th March
These Baileys strawberries and cream chocolates are amazing!! Becky got me them for Mother's Day.

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  1. Ooh those sausage rolls look good. Your mother's day sounds good. I'm not so much of a fan of a crisp addition to sandwiches, although N likes cheese and crisps. It's been the same weatherwie here too. Let's hope the early April showers don't last all of April as well, although we do need the reservoirs to fill up

  2. I'm glad you had a lovely Mother's Day, you deserve it.
    I got one of those hammocks to house some of the soft toys in our house but they're still everywhere.
    Every time I try to have a sort out, there's always an excuse why they have to keep them all.
    April showers are definitely earlier this year. It seems to have rained non-stop here the past week, mind you, it's not like we could have gone anywhere so it didn't really matter, bloody covid! xx

  3. So glad you had a lovely mother's day! I remember having hammocks like that for my stuffed animals too and I used to be able to pile so many of them on there. Those Bailey's chocolates look delicious!

  4. Ooh I so need those Bailey's chocolates now and I've not had breakfast yet. Mother's Day sounds lovely, glad to hear you were spoilt. I didn't notice the 'lost' hour, I'm just too excited to have lighter evenings and warmer weather.

  5. I am not looking forward to the countdown to GCSE's but I have another year to go yet, although Isaac has decided that he wants to stay for sixth form too - glad you had a good Mothers Day

  6. There have been a lot of April showers and our garden has been waterlogged for ages! The dogs are giving us a lay in now the clocks have changed! Or maybe it is because we've turned the heating off so the banging pipes don't wake them any more... #project365

  7. Glad you had a lovely Mother’s Day. Those nets are such a good way of storing soft toys. I might get some for Sophie’s room. She has so many cuddlies on her bed, I’m surprised there’s room for her! That’s a very tasty-looking savoury snack selection at your local butchers. I’ve not tried mixing prawn cocktail and meaty crisps in a sandwich before. #project365
