Sunday, 5 March 2023

Rain on the window. #MySundaySnapshot

The weather has not been great this week. It's not been that cold and the sun has been shining but we're had so much rain and it's not even the proper rain it has been that fine, drizzly stuff that doesn't look that bad but when you go out in it you get soaked. I only went to the garage at the end of our garden and had to change my jumper as it was soaked through. 

If the weather forecast is right this time next week I will probably be complaining about the snow that we are forecast. Brr! Hopefully then mother nature can send some warmer weather!

Rain on the window

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. The forecast is for snow this week, hope not. Don't fancy any snow in March. We had quite a bit of rain here too.

  2. It's been rubbish hasn't it?! It's freezing here today. I've got both the coal fire and the stove burning away besides the heating and it will be the same all next week if the forecast is anything to go by! xx

  3. I love how that photo turned out! We had a full day of rain and snow mix yesterday.

  4. I've always loved rain drops on windows. I'm not sure why. Your photo is perfect. #MMBC

  5. This photo turned out so beautifully! We had a few cloudy days but at least not too freezing. Hoping for some sunshine soon!!

  6. This photo is creative with view from the window. It was raining for us too for the last few days.

  7. Thisiswhereitisat9 March 2023 at 18:34

    Such a cosy vibe X

  8. The weather has been terrible lately! It has been so cold. I'm really ready for some proper spring weather now.

  9. I'm surprised you didn't get snow, everyone else seemed to! We got a dusting but nothing like most of the UK. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
