Saturday, 4 March 2023

A photo every day for a year! 25th Feb - 3rd March. Week 9 of #Project365

I have had quite a quiet week with Ellie at school and Stu and Becky at work. It has been nice to have a bit of normal with no building work being done, no DIY and everyone out of the house apart from Becky sleeping after her night shifts. The first day Stu went back to work after his holidays it got to late afternoon and I felt a little lost with no one to talk to. 

I have spent my week getting the house back in order and that's about it. I did have some time out with Becky yesterday. We went to see my dad and then went out for a pub lunch. We don't have much planned for the weekend apart from getting everything put back in Ellie's bedroom now that her shelves have been put up.

Now for a photo every day!

Burgers and chocolate
Dessert and TV on the wall
Chip butty and me
The pub

56/365 - 25th February
Burgers for tea and eaten in front of the TV watching Saturday night takeaway. I do love a Saturday night when we're all at home.

57/365 - 26th February
Can you believe we still have sweets left from Christmas. I thought everything was eaten until I found a tub of Heroes in the cupboard under the stairs. The kids were happy.

58/365 - 27th February
A Gu Dessert. I don't buy them often as they are so expensive but when they're on offer I sometimes treat us to them. I got the last one, it was meant to be for one of the kids but they weren't quick enough. They haven't noticed.

59/365 - 28th February
Stu got around to moving Ellie's TV to the other side of the room, she doesn't know if she likes it where it is now but tough luck, it's staying there.

60/365 - 1st March
A chip butty for lunch. In hindsight Becky and I could have got one to share as the portions were huge. We don't usually get this much on an evening.

61/365 - 2nd March
The filters online are getting out of control. I found this one on TikTok and it looks nothing like me! No wonder kids and teenagers have issues about how they look when this is shown as the ideal! 

62/365 - 3rd March
Becky and I went out for lunch. Of course I had Scampi, chips and peas. It's my go to meal at any pub.

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  1. The filters are terrifying aren't they. It totally warps reality, and it really potentially harmful for young minds. Lots of nice food. N loves scampi too, although hasn't had it for a while.

  2. So nice to find a tub of Heroes. We haven’t yet finished all the Christmas chocolate and we’ll soon have Easter chocolate to add to it! Gu desserts are such a lovely treat. That photo with the filter really doesn’t look like you at all. #project365

  3. Ooooh that chip butty looks so delicious! My cousin was showing me all these snapchat filters last night. Some of them are so funny but a lot of them are scary how they can completely change how you look.

  4. Lovely to discover a forgotten stash of chocolate. I think we have an unfinished tub of Roses somewhere too. I dislike these filters, they are so removed from reality, but also everyone gets the same almost identical look, getting rid of individuality.

  5. Yay to the random tub of Heroes! Love it when that happens.
    Glad you've got all of the building work out of the way. It does make a lot of extra work cleaning up afterwards doesn't it?!
    Gu are so nice! I'm into the Cadbury layers of joy at the moment, but have to hide them from the kids or I won't get a look in else hehe! #notsharing xx

  6. So nice to find some chocolate! Don't think I have ever tried GU. Might have to one day. You are right about the filters...they are getting out of control!

  7. I said that buying GU is justified because I can keep the pot and re-use it. Well, after I started recycling them because I had too many I stopped buying GU. It's nice, but a bit too expensive and my idea of "I'm paying for a reusable pot" was not as good as I thought initially. :))
    The filters are bonkers I agree, it's hard for children to understand what is real and what is not. It's even hard for adults sometimes.

  8. Pub lunch sounds lovely, we had a wetherspoons breakfast last week and it was awful.......not going there again. I haven't tried the filters, no idea how but I know the kids find some of them fun

  9. I treat myself to Gu when they are on offer but then have the dilemma over the jar as it seems too nice just to recycle but I have no use for it! Me and the kids like to play with the fun filters but the 'prettifying' ones are awful. #project365
