Sunday, 12 March 2023

It had to be the snow. #MySundaySnapshot

Of course my Sunday photo had to be the snow. hehehe It finally arrived with us properly on Friday morning. Becky was on a night shift and said it started settling at about 5am so it must have really came down hard as this was our view when we were getting up. We ended up sleeping in a little later than we should have because of a couple of power cuts and Ellie's alarm clock obviously didn't go off. Thankfully I had one set on my phone. Ellie was halfway through getting ready and then we got the text to say school was closed. If only we'd known we could have had an extra hour in bed. hehehe

By lunchtime the sun had came out and it was all just about melted. It was a fun morning and we did enjoy the snow while it lasted. 


My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. It always looks so lovely when it first settles. We had two days of being snowed in, but we had a night of rain and this morning the snow has gone completely. x

  2. Though fleeting, created a lovely and picturesque scene!

  3. Very pretty! We're bracing for another winter storm starting tonight and ending Wednesday morning they say we could get near 12" but I'm hopeful that's more north and west of us. This close to spring I'm over the snow. :)

  4. Thisiswhereitisat17 March 2023 at 17:45

    Snow is so pretty when it is set and untouched X

  5. That looks like proper snow! We had the tiniest amount on Friday morning, but it was gone by about 9.15!

  6. Oh I wish we'd had more snow, we barely got any! It's such a lovely photo that you've taken - such a wintry scene. Thanks so much for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.
