Saturday 12 August 2023

A photo every day for a year! 5th - 11th August. Week 32 of #Project365

We have had a pretty quiet week with a few surprises along the way. I think the highlight of the week has been watching Heartstopper (it's so good) and Ellie and I have started rewatching Doctor Who. The sun has been shining and although it's been too warm for me it has been nice.

I have just had an email off Ellie's college giving her a date and time for enrolment, 2 weeks today which is almost the end of August. This summer has gone so fast! She'll get her bus pass, college ID and most importantly her timetable! She will have 3 days in college a week and does hope they're grouped together, like on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and not spread out throughout the week like Monday, Wednesday and a Friday. 

Anyway, now for a photo every day!

Cider and my eldest
New flowers in my garden and a bee
Sushi and my eldest again
Crisps and me

217/365 - 5th August
Cider! I decided to have something different to drink on Saturday night. They were both nice, my favourite was the pink lemon one.

218/365 - 6th August
We went to a local beer and cider festival. We had a few drinks and a pork, stuffing and apple in a bun which was so good. The sun was shining so it was a lovely afternoon.

219/365 - 7th August
More new flowers in my garden and this week has seen a lot of bee's and butterflies too.

220/365 - 8th August
We'd been to Lidl so of course Ellie got sushi. It's the cheapest we've ever seen sushi for the amount and variety that you get.

221/365 - 9th August
Becky was sent a couple of early birthday presents from the Amazon social media team, I though it was such a lovely gesture. They wanted nothing in return apart from permission to retweet if I said anything on Twitter. It's not her birthday until the start of September so it was a nice surprise for her.

222/365 - 10th August
Years ago my favourite crisps were the Walkers Tomato Ketchup one's but they stopped making them and I have heard about Lays crisps which are the same but never saw them in any shops until this week when we went in a Romanian grocery store. I had to get some but I wished I had bought more, these one's are all gone!

223/365 - 11th August
Just me.

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  1. The pink lemon cider sounds refreshing. I normally drink lager but really enjoy a cider when it's a hot day.
    I love finding random flowers that have reseeded in the garden and especially when the bees like them too!
    How nice of Amazon to have sent Becky those goodies. What a lovely surprise.
    Lovely pic of you too! xx

  2. I can't drink cider, makes me so ill, but looks really tasty. What a lovely gift from Amazon, you must order a lot of stuff to be on their radar hee hee. Hope the college timetable is good, mine is a night mare for my 6th former, not only random days, but lesson1 then lesson 5 on some days and a two week rotating timetable, we are going to get soooo confused.

  3. I haven't watched Heartstopper, will have to give it a watch. Summer holidays seem to be flying by! that was so nice of Amazon so send some gifts.

  4. How lovely of Amazon! Summer is disappearing so quickly, waaaah! Ooh I'd forgotten ketchup crisps, didn't realise they'd been discontinued. #project365

  5. Gosh I didn't know they might only be in couple three days a week in college, I wonder what my son's week will be like now. Good luck to your daughter for Thursday! I am getting quite nervous now. What a lovely treat of the Amazon social team.

  6. Not long to go now until Ellie starts college. Good luck to her with starting and fingers crossed the days are grouped together. This summer does feel like it has gone by very quickly. The sushi from Lidl looks yummy. Lovely of Amazon to send Becky a birthday gift. I didn't realise you could get Lays crisps in the UK. Lovely photo of you. #project365
