Wednesday, 2 August 2023

365 Days Of Gratitude. In July I was grateful for...

I have seen many people on social media list something every day that they are grateful for and thought I would join in and have on my private Facebook account every day and I thought I would share here too.

I did this for the whole of last year and it has really made me realise that even on the bad day's I have something to be grateful for.


Day 181 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I was grateful for a night out with family.

Day 182 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a fun day at a nearby country show, we have it all to do again tomorrow too.

Day 183 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for lots of yummy treats from the local show. Doughnuts, burgers, fudge, jars of marmalade, cake, cookies and candy floss.

Mini doughnuts and fudge

Day 184 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a rainy day which meant I didn't feel bad about not doing much. I needed the rest after the weekend!

Day 185 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for getting caught up on everything that I didn't do over the weekend!

Day 186 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for the library! Ellie joined our local one and it's going to save me a small fortune. No more buying books, she can borrow them.

Day 187 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Ellie had the perfect prom.

My youngest ready for prom

Day 188 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a quiet day of not doing much. Who thought preparing for a prom could be so exhausting!

Day 189 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that we are doing one more thing to annoy our petty neighbour! She had her child shout as they were walking past "You need to cut your grass". Kids don't care about the length of grass so she's heard it from somewhere! It only looks long because our other neighbour cut theirs early this morning. I've told Stu not to cut ours.

Day 190 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a chilled day. Lunch out and a sit in the pubs beer garden. Sunday's in the summer are the best!

Day 191 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for my fly swatter, the pesky things have driven me insane today!

Day 192 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that it didn't rain so I could get some gardening done.

Day 193 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for good soup. hehehe We had our favourite pea and ham soup tonight with leftovers for tomorrow lunchtime.

Pea and ham soup

Day 194 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for Ellie being a chatterbox. She has not shut up today and I was quite glad when she went out with her boyfriend for a few hours but I wouldn't have her any other way!

Day 195 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for breakfast out and seeing my dad and brother.

Day 196 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Stu now has over a week off work! He took some holidays.

Day 197 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a nice, relaxed day at home. Been in my pj's all day, it's been lovely!

Day 198 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a day out with Stu and Ellie. We went to Hull and did a bit of shopping.

Day 199 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I could give my family an afternoon tea. I won a voucher last year and hadn't used part of it so spent it on a savoury afternoon tea.

a savoury afternoon tea.

Day 200 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for fun times with my family. It was nice to all be home at the same time with none of us rushing around.

Day 201 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for fresh hair dye. Just gone with my normal red but it looks fresh and bright.

Day 202 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a fun night out.
Day 203 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a lazy day at home. I'm in my pj's now, under a blanket and with a hot water bottle. This weather is stupid for July!

Day 204 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for a long lie in, I needed it!

Day 205 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that Stu enjoyed his last day of his holidays before he has to go back to work. Only another month or so and then he's off for another week.

Day 206 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful that I got my bedroom sorted. I let the clean clothes pile up, I finally got them all put away today.

Day 207 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for some time to myself. Becky was in bed sleeping for work and Ellie was out with friends this afternoon. I haven't had much time alone lately so it was nice.

Day 208 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for Netflix and being able to rewatch Heartstopper with Ellie before the new series is released next week.

Day 209 of #365DaysOfGratitude
Today I am grateful for cake and Ellie getting me some from the shop. I didn't even have to ask, she surprised me.

Day 210 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a day by myself. The kids went to Hull Pride.

Pride top

Day 211 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a nice sunny Sunday despite the weather forecast saying it was going to chuck it down all day.

Day 212 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a day off from the cooking. Stu made tea. 

What were you grateful for in July?


  1. It was lovely to read your list. I think it's a very good idea to think of the little things that make your life better, as we tend to focus so much on the negative aspects. xx

  2. SO many wonderful things to be grateful for! I was grateful that we had such nice weather on all the days we had plans and that Alec loved both colleges we went to check out.

  3. Oh Wow! July really was your month. So many lovely things to be grateful for.
    Ellie having a fab prom, yummy food and lots of family time! Perfect. xx
