Tuesday, 18 July 2023

My youngest girls prom day!

We seem to have been planning for prom for months and but it actually was much longer. It's taken me a couple of weeks to get this blog post live because things have been busy and I have had posts scheduled but here we go.

Prom was on the 6th of July and Ellie started getting ready just after half past one in the afternoon and I am glad she did. Nothing went wrong, we just got to take everything at a slow pace.

This is Ellie before she started getting ready for prom. We set ourselves up in the kitchen with everything we needed, hair curlers, make up, false nails and other bits and bobs.

Ellie before prom

I knew that her hair would take the longest to do. I have the 
BaByliss Curl Secret gadget and it is absolutely amazing. You just get bits of hair and it sucks them up and does the curling and then it beeps when it's done. The beeps drive me insane but are handy to know how long to leave it on the hair for. It took a good hour to do Ellie's hair and then she decided she wanted it curlier so I went back through it and all in all it took about 2 hours. The make up was easy, well apart from Ellie blinking too much when I was trying to put mascara on. lol

Ellie had a quick bite to eat and before we knew it we were running out of time and it was nearly half past five and Ellie was getting picked up at half past six.

My youngest dressed for prom

The plan was for my dad to pick Ellie up at half past 6 and take her to the prom in his kit car but he had issues with it and came up with a new plan which I knew nothing about!

Stu, Becky and I were at the school seeing all the cars arrive dropping kids off and were waiting for Ellie's arrival when I saw my brothers big van. I was like what the hell! The closer it came I saw my dad and brother in the front and no sign of Ellie. Turns out my dad's plan was to have Ellie arrive in the back of the van and make her grand entrance going down on the moving platform thing at the back! I was fuming thinking she would hate it but as soon as I saw her face I saw she was having the time of her life. When everyone realised it was Ellie in the back of the van they were like wow, it's Ellie! I don't know if they were more shocked about her arrival or the fact she was in a dress and all dolled up. Oh and she wasn't trapped in the van, the shutter wasn't down and the ramp was folded up. Phew! 

Getting out of the van

Everyone hung around outside until the last of the vehicles arrived dropping everyone off. Then it was time to do the red carpet. Ellie and her friends hung around until the end, I thought Ellie had chickened out of walking up in front of all the parents and having her photo taken. Her and one of her best friends did the walk which nearly had me crying. "R" was the first friend that Ellie made in the school when we moved house so it was really fitting they did this one last thing together. 

Walking the red carpet

Just as Stu, Becky and I were walking out of the school gates we bumped into Ellie's friends mum. Ellie's other good friend wasn't supposed to be going to prom but she decided to and what a surprise! It just made the whole evening perfect! I almost cried again knowing all of Ellie's best friends were there.

Ellie came home just after half past 10 and was full of beans and keen to look at all the photos I had taken. hehehe What I loved about the prom was that none of the kids had their phones out taking photos and videos, there had been no warnings saying they couldn't, they just didn't! They were there to enjoy the evening and living in the moment.

It was a perfect prom, everything went to plan and most importantly Ellie had a great time.

Have your teens had their prom? How did it go?


  1. Beautiful photos. Ellie looked stunning with her hair and make-up and the way she arrived made me smile - that's certainly a different way of doing it! Love the photo of her and R on the red carpet and how lovely that they were all having such a good time that they didn't have their phones out and were just enjoying the moment instead.

  2. Beautiful photos of your lovely daughter. It looks so special.

  3. I was looking forward to this post and I love it!! She seems to be so happy. Arriving in the van is memorable indeed, what a fun experience. She is glowing. Aww xx

  4. Ellie looked beautiful for her prom and I’m so happy to hear that she had a great night. I love how she arrived to prom and that she was happy with the change of plan. Good thing you gave yourselves enough time to get ready! Thanks for sharing about Ellie’s prom, I had been looking forward to reading all about it 😊

  5. Thisiswhereitisat20 July 2023 at 16:47

    A lot of work but worth it as she looks amazing x

  6. That does sound so wonderful! Her arrival was priceless.
