Sunday, 23 July 2023

A little bit of Bon Jovi! #MySundaySnapshot

On Friday night my dad's partner and I went to see a Bon Jovi Tribute band. It's been a long time coming as it had been postponed from this time last year. They are actually the only tribute band to play with Bon Jovi live on stage which I think is quite a claim to fame. 

We danced a lot and sung until we almost lost our voices. It was such a fun night. We will be back to see them when they come to Scunthorpe again next year.

The Bon Jovi Experience.

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. It sounds like loads of fun. I went to a Jimi Hendrix tribute once and when I came out i was literally deaf for about 20 mins. I'll not do that again, lol. xx

  2. That sounds like an amazing night! I'm so glad you had such a great time.

  3. That does sound like a fabulous evening. #MMBC

  4. That sounds like so much fun! If Bon Jovi ever come to Sydney I really want to go and see them. But I would be more than happy to see their tribute band. I've seen Bjorn Again and the Fleetwood Mac tribute band and had the best time.

  5. That sounds wonderful! xx

  6. Thisiswhereitisat27 July 2023 at 11:36

    Sounds a lot of fun x

  7. That sounds like great fun! They certainly look convincing from the photo.

  8. Oooo old school - Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.
