Sunday, 30 July 2023

A new plant in my garden! #MySundaySnapshot

The other day I noticed a new plant in my garden. According to my plant identifying app it is Common borage. I am guessing something dropped a seed in my garden because I don't remember planting it.

Reading on Google: Borage is best known as a herb, grown for it's delicate blue flowers. These are plucked from the plant and sprinkled into summer drinks, such as fruit punch, where they add a refreshing cucumber-like fragrance. I don't think I would be brave enough to put them in anything I drink. I also read that they are fantastic for attracting bee's and butterflies to a garden which of course is a good thing. 

Borage plant

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. This is such a beautiful colour, it will be great for attracting bees :)


  2. I've heard the word borage but have never seen the plant. Delicate blue flower is amazing. I might drop it in a drink and a splash with water but definitely would enjoy the flowers. #MMBC

  3. What an unusual plant! I'd heard of borage but never seen it. What a great find! #MMBC

  4. What an amazing looking flower! I have never seen anything like it. Almost looks like an insect.

  5. Bees definitely love borage (I posted a video of one on it in my garden on Instagram). Borage also does a good job of spreading around the garden. A friend gave me a little plant of it and now I seem to have quite a bit of it in the back garden! :D

  6. That is one of the most unusual looking plants I have ever seen! What a neat find.

  7. They are very interesting flowers! I don't blame you for not wanting to put it in a drink though.
    I really need to get a plant identifying app. I don't know the names of a lot of the plants in our garden.

  8. Thisiswhereitisat4 August 2023 at 17:11

    Pretty flower X

  9. That's such a colourful pretty picture! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
