Sunday, 2 July 2023

Motorbike display team. #MySundaySnapshot

Yesterday we went to a nearby country show and had a great day. I hardly saw the girls as they were off with their friends. We're back today for some more fun. I took this photo yesterday of a motorbike display team, they were pretty amazing as lots of the riders were children, the youngest being 5 years old.

motorbike display team

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. Wow, it looks really exciting. We had a festival nearby yesterday too but I avoided it as we went out in the evening and I didn't want to wear myself out. I hope you are having a great day today too. xx

  2. That looks amazing! I don't think I've ever seen anything like that in real life - only on TV.

  3. The motorbike stunt show was always my favourite event to watch when we used to go to The Royal Easter show. I'd hold my breath when they did the amazing stunts in the air. I remember thinking how that if that was my child doing those stunts I would probably never sleep!

  4. A 5-year old in the motorcycle display? Wow, that is unusual. Your picture of the rider is stunning.

  5. I've not seen one of those for years, we used to have one at our village show.

  6. Thisiswhereitisat6 July 2023 at 18:49

    Wow, this looks fun X

  7. Oooo that looks like good fun to watch! Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.
