Friday, 7 July 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Dressed Up! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Dressed up

Some weeks I struggle to come up with a word which describes our week but week's like the one just gone I could have used about 10. lol Busy, friends, together, fun, tired, family, laughter, food and out but I have decided to go with dressed up as it covers the start and end of our week.

This time last week we were getting ready for Becky's friend coming to stay for the night to go to a country show near us on the Saturday. We had planned on going out for a meal but the pub wasn't serving food so we had a chippy tea and got all dressed up for a night out. We made a real effort, even Becky who usually lives in tracksuits. I wished I had taken more photos but we were just enjoying the evening. Ellie had great fun having her hair done and make up. It's the first time she has worn a full face of make up and loved it although she has said make up is just for special occasions. 

I had planned to get dressed up a little for the country show on the Saturday but after a few glasses of wine the night before it was just jeans and t-shirt. lol Ellie had her whole outfit planned for the show weeks before, when it was sunny but on the day of the show it was rather chilly to start with but it didn't deter her, she stuck with her sunny day outfit and thankfully it did warm up in the afternoon. On Sunday she wasn't as lucky. She was determined to wear a vest top despite the chilly weather and wouldn't wear a cardigan or hoodie. Fashion came first until she was sat watching what was going on in the main arena and had to pinch Stu's hoodie. I of course told I told you so. hehehe

Yesterday was the day that Ellie got really dressed up. It was her end of school prom. She started getting ready at about 2pm and didn't have to leave until half past six. It might seem like a long time but having the dress rehearsal on Friday night with hair, make up and nails we realised needed all of that time just so we weren't rushing. She looked beautiful and a lot older than 15 years old. Eek! 

My youngest dressed up

I am going to do a whole blog post about prom but it went so well, I would go as far to say it was perfect. I was so close to crying and probably would have if we hadn't have bumped into the mum of one of Ellie's friends.

How has your week been? I hope you've had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. Ellie looks beautiful! I can't wait to hear all about her prom.

  2. Ellie does look beautiful right down to her smile.

  3. What a great week and Ellie looks amazing. I've been looking at all the prom photos and feeling a little envious that Boo didn't get one. But, we have plenty of opportunities to get dressed up in the next few weeks. Our little girls are growing up! xx

  4. Aw, Ellie looks amazing, glad she had a lovely prom! #MMBC

  5. She does look so grown up! I remember taking hours to get ready for prom too.

  6. Ellie looks beautiful for her prom. She really does look so grown-up. I'm glad that she had a lovely time and it sounds like you had a lovely time at the country show as well. #WotW
