Friday 25 August 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Results! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


This weeks word had to be results. Ellie picked her GCSE results up yesterday and they were a bit of a surprise.

We were up and ready to go at 9am but Ellie didn't want to be the first one there so we held off until nearly 10am and we timed it right as she saw a couple of her best friends there and got to open her results with them. She said she wasn't nervous but when she was opening the envelope she was shaking, bless her.

Ellie was expected to pass her English, it was 50/50 with maths and not expected to pass Science but things didn't work out like that. She got 3's in English and Maths which is an old D and not a pass but it turns out she was only 4 marks off  a pass in Maths. Hmmf. She got 4-3 in Science which was a pass and not expected, a 5 in photography which is a high C or low B and of course she passed engineering with flying colours. She aimed for 3 passes and got them, just not in the subjects that she had planned. It's fine though, her GCSE results don't affect her college course but she will have to resit Maths and English over the next year, she didn't want to but it's fine.

I came so close to crying when the English teacher came running over, she was gutted for Ellie as she knows that she has worked so hard. She said she couldn't be prouder of her and one of the teaching assistants which has been amazing had a little chat with Ellie too saying how fantastic she has been. 

Ellie is happy with her results and we are too. She has never been academic and a few years ago she was predicted to get 1's and 2's so anything better was amazing. She was never going to get 7, 8 and 9's and we were fine with that. She tried her hardest and has done us proud.

I am so glad the stress of the GCSE's are over now. Now we just had the stress of the girls birthday's and our holiday. I am not further forward in knowing what we're doing with the trains than I was this time last week when the rail strikes were announced. lol I've tried asking Trainline and they've been as much use as a chocolate teapot but to be fair I guess they don't know until the train companies confirm things which should be today. I hope so anyway, it is stressing me out not knowing what's happening.

It's another big day for us today. We're off to college for Ellie to enrol, show her GCSE results and most importantly get her timetable.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one.

Word of the week linky


  1. I am happy for Ellie and wish her all the best with her future studies. Enjoy the birthday celebrations and the holiday too.

  2. I remember the worry of waiting for exam results when my sons were younger#wordoftheweek

  3. Congratulations to Ellie! It's lovely that she did better than she expected - well done! Karen - Early Rising Mum

  4. Congratulations to Ellie. I didn't understand how the marking works, as I did my studies in Romania and at university is different. With only 2 to resit, it means she will have more time to focus on them, so hopefully it will be easier next time.

    I wish you a very wonderful holiday. xx

  5. Well done to Ellie, she sounds like Boo, we never expected 7,8, 9s and she didn't get them....but she did get a 6, and four 4s. She will have to retake her maths though. She wouldn't go to school to collect them so they e-mailed them to her, and now she will have to wait for them to arrive in the post. Good luck with the trains. My daughter goes away next Saturday and the strikes have scuppered her plans, she's booked a coach which will take her nearly all day to get to the airport! It's a good job she's booked into the hotel and doesn't have the stress of catching her flight the same day.

  6. Congratulations to Ellie. I had a breathe a sigh of relief here as Carys managed to pass all her first year ones with higher than we both thought grades. I really cant get my head around numbers and so glad that I think that Wales isnt doing them as yet!

  7. So pleased she got the grades she wanted, although bummer for those 2 subjects. Hopefully she'll fly through them in her resits. Now onto college - hope it goes well for her.

  8. Well done with your passes Ellie and good luck with your college course :)


  9. Congrats to Ellie! I bet it feels so great to have those tests behind you.

  10. Really well done to Ellie with her results, the main thing is that they get her to the next stage and how exciting to be starting her new course in a subject which really interests her

  11. Congratulations to Ellie! How wonderful that she was pleased with her grades and can now look forward to the next exciting chapter at college. Her school teachers sound lovely and supportive, especially the English teacher!

  12. Well done to Ellie on her GCSE results. She did well especially considering the predictions from a few years ago and I’m glad that she got the passes she needed for college even if they weren’t the ones she planned. Good luck to her with starting college and with resitting English and Maths. Hope you manage to get everything sorted out with your holiday and have a lovely time away. #WotW
