Monday, 28 August 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 28th August - 3rd September. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan was a bit hit and miss, mostly miss. We had the Kung Pao chicken and quiche, the pork and apple sausages were moved to Saturday and on Thursday we have one of those evenings where we wanted something nice but easy so we had cereal, everyone helped themselves so everyone was happy. We were out all day on Friday and forgot to buy bread so the fish finger sandwiches were off the menu and we ended up with chips and curry ready meals out of the freezer. We had a lovely weekend and spent Sunday doing nothing. We all had different things to eat and it was nice. We did have plans, going to a local family fun day but we couldn't really be bothered. I'm glad, the weather wasn't great and my dad popped round between watching football matches. His Sunday's are always busy in front of the TV. hehehe

This week is going to be a strange and fun one when it comes to food. It's Ellie's birthday and there will be a lot of eating out. Stu and Becky have the whole week off work with them not going back until next Tuesday so we're going to have a lot of family time. I am so looking forward to almost a week of not having to cook. 

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Burgers in buns with fries might be on the BBQ if the weather is nice.
Tuesday - It's Ellie's birthday and she wants to go to Wetherspoons for a meal which is fine with us. I am quite looking forward to it.
Wednesday - A meal out.
Thursday - Another meal out.
Friday - Tea from the chip shop!!
Saturday - I have no idea yet as we're at a wedding and I don't really know what is happening. 
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. I sounds like you have some tasty food in store; I wish I could get some chips and curry sauce from a chip shop but there are none where I moved to in the U.S. — they are not a thing here so I miss it so much!

  2. A week with hardly any cooking sounds good to me :)

  3. Not planned anything yet except I have to be in the office on Tuesday so planning to buy sushi and Taste Inc chicken plus fruit and yoghurt for lunch; Slimming World is on Tuesdays and I've eaten far too much cake this week (two parties!) so having a bit of a correction!
