Wednesday, 24 November 2021

A brilliant birthday for me!

It was my birthday on Sunday and I had the best day and few days beforehand. I was spoilt rotten and I enjoyed every single moment! I used to hate it when my birthday fell on a Sunday but now it's just an excuse to celebrate beforehand. hehehe

My birthday officially started last Tuesday when Becky took me to town and bought me breakfast as an early birthday treat. She had ulterior motives, she wanted me to help carry the bags while she finished her Christmas shopping. It was a lovely day out. It seems ages since we spent some quality time together as she is either at college, with her girlfriend, working or sleeping.

A cooked breakfast

On Saturday Stu and I had a day out shopping. I feel like that is all I have done for the past few weeks, shop. This time it was mostly window shopping though, I think I have bought everything that I need or want in town. lol We still managed to pick a few bits up, we went to Lidl and I always forget how much I love that shop, there is so many bargains to be had. I got a couple of the Cadbury selection boxes for a few pounds when everywhere else they're about £5. 
I had planned to have a Christmas dinner but the pub we went to was only doing them if we had pre-booked which was a shame. We ended up going to Wetherspoons and not having a Christmas dinner and had pizza instead.

Me ready to go shopping
Harry Potter pyjamas

A few years ago I seemed to have started a tradition of getting Harry Potter pj's the night before my birthday and this year was no different. They came from Primark and as much as I love the bottoms and I am not that keen on the top as it is a cropped one and it's really short. Oh well. I will still wear it, just under a pj jumper top when it is really cold.

I had a lovely lie in on Sunday and was woken with a cup of tea and a chocolate croissant. What a treat! I didn't open my birthday presents until gone 2pm which is a record for me to wait so long. I wanted to wait until Becky got out of bed, she wasn't being lazy she had done a night shift.

My birthday presents

I was spoilt rotten. I got a gorgeous necklace, trainers, bath stuff, Funko figures, Apple Pie Baileys which I have been dying to try, bath stuff, make up and chocolates.

I had decided that I wanted to go to the pub for a couple of drinks and be like a proper grown up. The kids are at an age now where we can leave them at home alone for a couple of hours and I wanted to make the most of it being my birthday. Stu and I had a little pub crawl around our town. We visited both pubs. lol I have decided now which one I prefer. Do you remember the TV show The League of Gentlemen and the bit where they used to say "this is a local shop for local people", that's how I felt walking into one of the pubs. I didn't feel comfortable there so we had a quick drink and went to the other one which is now my favourite. The landlord is really welcoming, I think it's because he isn't from around here either. 

Pool table

We had a couple more drinks and had a few games of pool. Stu popped over to the Chinese takeaway and ordered our food and then came back to the pub to finish our drinks. We picked the Chinese up and headed home. The kids had tidied up and had been in the bath so I had no nagging to do. We watched Doctor Who, the Adele concert and the new series of I'm a Celebrity. We never got around to having cake until about half nine as we were so full from the Chinese takeaway.

It really was the perfect day. I couldn't have asked for more. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. I felt so loved.

What did you do for your last birthday?


  1. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you've had a brilliant few days :) I like the sound of the Apple Pie Baileys!

  2. Aw, it sounds like you had such a fab birthday. How lovely of Becky to treat you to breakfast, and what lovely pressies! The apple pie Baileys sounds amazing.
    Glad you had such a lovely day. xx

  3. I'm so glad you had such a lovely birthday, Kim. Love your hair as well. How lovely that Becky treated you to breakfast, even if she did have an ulterior motive. Glad you got to enjoy some time going for drinks at the pub as well. #MMBC

  4. That does sound like a really perfect day!

  5. It sounds like you had a lovely birthday Kim, well done to your family for making your days special x

  6. Glad you had such a great day. I do love the idea of new pjs the night before a birthday. And never have Spoons Christmas dinner - it is dire lol.
