Sunday, 14 November 2021

Worrying about nothing again. #MySundaySnapshot

 For months I have been worrying about Ellie getting her Covid vaccine. The school were giving the vaccine to all the kids who wanted it this past week and I was so stressed about it. I actually felt sick knowing she would be getting it. I'm not against the vaccine, far from it. I've had it myself and the rest of my family has but after reading too much online about how it can effect the heart I was worried.

All that worrying was for nothing. Ellie had the vaccine on Wednesday and apart from a sore arm she was fine. The nurse giving it to her had a good chat about the heart symptoms to watch out for which did reassure me as it means they must have read the consent form where I listed her medical conditions. Ellie came home and told me what to watch out for so she must have been listening for once. hehehe

Covid vaccine card

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. It's not surprising you were worried. Thank goodness it all went smoothly. It's good to know that the nurse had read Ellie's form thoroughly.

  2. So glad to know it all went smoothly!

  3. I can understand your worry but I'm glad it all went well. They keep pushing back the date for Boo's vaccination at school so I might just take her to a centre xx

  4. I'm happy for you and am glad there were no complications. #MMBC

  5. aww I can totally understand your concerns but glad you feel more at ease now X #mysundaysnapshot

  6. It is such a worry isn't it? My twelve year old son also had his vaccine recently and he was fine also... Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
