Saturday, 6 November 2021

Week 44 of #Project365. 30th October - 5th November. A photo every day for a year!

 I have been in a right grump this past week for no real reason apart from it has been cold. It has been a good week though. I got bargains from the local auction, some fence panels and our new fence is slowly being put up.

I have been doing more Christmas shopping but Becky has put me to shame and has nearly finished hers. She got 8 parcels delivered yesterday and had me getting selection boxes with the food shop. I am not panic buying selection boxes, she does actually need 10. lol

Now for a photo every day!

Christmas decorations
Carved pumpkins
Fence panels and my fella
The first fence panel up
My eldest at the cafe and a Friends Hot chocolate gift set

296/365 - 30th October
I got myself some bargains from the local auction. 2 packs of baubles for £2, a Christmas flowery thing for £2, three tree ornaments for £5 and a wreath for £5. I am so happy with what I got and I will probably be back at the auction today buying more Christmassy things. hehehe

297/365 - 31st October
Halloween and we of course carved some pumpkins.

298/365 - 1st November
We got a ton of fence panels from the man up the road for £20. He got a new fence and was getting rid.

299/365 - 2nd November
I have seen a lot of Stu my fella this week. He works outside and as the weather hasn't been great he has had a couple of days off. He has made his hours up though so we're no worse off, phew!

300/365 - 3rd November
The first fence panel was put up. It still needs painting on our side but I think it looks so much better. It gives both us and our neighbour more privacy and it is so much better than the old fence.

301/365 - 4th November
We went out for lunch yesterday with my dad. We ended up at the cafe near us and we had a look around the auction.

302/365 - 5th November
They will whack Friends packaging on anything and people will still buy it. I did for my eldest. lol. It's a hot chocolate set and I was pretty surprised that it was all different flavours. I got it from Tesco for about £6.

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  1. I am stalled on my Christmas shopping as I have no idea what to get anyone else that is left on my list!

  2. I love all the christmas gift options they have available. I've been quite organised this year, but still haven't sorted out N's gift, or my brother or niece. N is always with me in town so I can't get little things for him, so have sone a lot online, but think I'm going to spend my flexi day in Oxford doing Christmas shopping to finish it off.

  3. You're so organised, I've barely started my Christmas shopping!

  4. You're really organised, I can't get motivated to think about Christmas. Good luck with the fence panels, sounds like you've had a bargain week #365

  5. Did you end up paying for all those selection boxes? Great bargain with the fence, hope it looks good once it's finished, will be lovely I'm sure to have more privacy from the neighbours.Love how you've carved the pumpkin on its side

  6. Wow Becky is very organised with her Christmas shopping. I’m impressed that she has almost finished already! Love the carved pumpkins. That’s a big difference in height with the new fence. Hope Becky enjoys her Friends hot chocolate set. #project365

  7. The pumpkins look very atmospheric, are those normal candles? I've bought a few bits for Christmas but the kids keep asking to spend their own money and buy them off me. #project365

  8. I am so impressed that Becky has finished, I still have quite a bit to do. Pumpkins looks great and what wonderful bargains on the decorations. The fence will looks brilliant it does look a lot taller. Yum to hot chocolate!

  9. Good on you for getting organised for christmas....saves on the last minute rushing.

    Goof you got the fence panels as it will give you some privacy.

  10. I love your pumpkins, I think we need to up our game next year. I really wish we had an auction near us

  11. 10 Selection boxes, wow, that's impressive. I bought a tin of Roses and a tin of Celebrations. Only managed to squirrel one of them, the other my guys are already working on. You sound super organised.
    Love your pumpkins, they are very cute.
