Friday, 26 November 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Festive! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I don't know what to write about this week because after the excitement of my birthday weekend the last few days have felt a bit flat. I have been trying to find my Christmas spirit and finally I am starting to feel a little festive.

I ordered the last of the kids Christmas presents (again). Last week I said I had just about finished my Christmas shopping but I changed my mind and ordered the girls a couple of more presents each, my dad another and his partner another present too. I have ordered wrapping paper to come with the food shop today. I did laugh at myself, I spent a good 10 minutes choosing the wrapping paper. Why? No one cares but me. lol I will start wrapping the presents next week. I can't wait. I do it over 2 afternoons and will watch Avengers: Infinity War one day and Avengers: Endgame the next like I have for the last couple of years. I know, they are not Christmas films but they are the right length for me to do the wrapping. hehehe

On Wednesday I made the Christmas cakes, one for us and one for my dad. I cheated and used a Christmas cake baking kit but it doesn't matter. The house smelled lovely but Ellie was not impressed. She came in from school looking thinking it was a scented candle all set to blow it out. lol There was no getting rid of the Christmas cake smell and I was happy about that. hehehe Becky came in from college and one of the cakes was still cooling and asked for a slice, she was very annoyed when I said no. 

We have made plans for Christmas day. My dad and his partner are having a Christmas at home. A couple of years ago they went away and didn't have a great time. They think it was then they first caught Covid and last year didn't really celebrate Christmas as they were both still not feeling great after having Covid for a 2nd time. Their house is like a Christmas wonderland, there are decorations everywhere and it is so unlike my dad who isn't usually the biggest lover of Christmas but this year he is going all out. So it's just us for Christmas and at the moment Becky will be on her night shift finishing at 8am on Christmas day morning which is perfect. She can come home, we'll open presents and then she can go to bed while I get on with making the dinner and Ellie and Stu hopefully tidy up and mess around with their presents.

We are getting the Christmas decorations out, it's a job Stu doesn't know he'll be doing today but will. hehehe They will be going up over the weekend. Ellie was laughing and saying that there is no room for Christmas decorations in here, she needn't worry. I put all of every day ornaments and picture frames away to make room. 

Tonight we are off to see the Christmas lights being switched on and carol singing around the tree. There is food stalls and things like that so it should be fun. Becky is coming with Stu and I and Ellie is going off with her friends. We will only probably see her when she wants money to buy something. Eesh. We might be going to see the big lights being switched on in Scunthorpe tomorrow too but we'll see what the weather is like.

I hope you have all had a good week.

Word of the week linky


  1. I hope the weather holds out for you and the Christmas lights switch on when you go out. You definitely sound like the festive bug has bitten you. I love your post so much this week. Maybe it's the fact Stu will be getting involved but he doesn't know it yet, haha. Have a great time.

  2. We did the whole Marvel Marathon one Christmas so they are definitely Christmas films for us - what a really good idea too. I tend to just wrap them in my bedroom quietly - your way sounds much better for getting in the mood. We were just going to have a Christmas Yes Day but have actually done a u turn and bought the boys stuff in the Black Friday sales. Hope you enjoyed the light switch on.

  3. I don't think Christmas shopping ever really ends until Christmas is done does it, lol. I don't know when I'll be putting our tree and decorations up. We are hoping to see the lights switch on tonight but the weather is pretty dismal at the moment. We do know where we can park up and watch from the car if we need to. xx

  4. We got all of our decorations up yesterday and I too tend to take a lot of the regular stuff down to make room for it all. I'm not really sure what our Christmas plans will be yet this year but our days are usually pretty quiet and relaxed since we do most of our running around with family the day before and the day after.

  5. Lovely to start feeling festive and glad your shopping is just about done. Hope you have fun putting up the tree and decorations this weekend and enjoyed the Christmas lights switch-on. #WotW
