Monday, 15 November 2021

(Ad - Gifted) Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic!

My girls aren't the biggest readers but I always buy them a couple of books for Christmas which they enjoy. Now they are getting older it is harder to find books that they like but recently I was sent a book to have a look at by Rebel Girls who have recently launched a book called Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic and so far Ellie my 14 year old loves it.

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic celebrates the lives and accomplishments of 100 barrier breaking Black women and girls who showcase the spirit of Black Girl Magic.

This really is a wonderful book and there is so much to love about it. 

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Each story is just one page long which makes it great to dip in and our of. The writers do such a fantastic job of giving a snapshot of the individual detailing their childhood, growing up, accomplishments, achievements and legacy. Each story is a lovely introduction to each of the women and many will leave readers wanting to find out more. Each story is written in such a way that is empowering to young readers.

The illustrations are beautiful and are eye catching. They vary in style but it is exciting to turn every page to see what is next.

The diversity and inclusivity is superb in this book. They didn’t just feature black women from the Western world but they included black women from so many different countries and various heritages. It contains some well known names and many unknown names to me, even I have learned plenty.

100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic

This book has been created exclusively by Black people. Four Black women wrote the biographies, the illustrations are the work of over sixty Black female or non-binary artists and the Black woman who coined the phrase ‘Black Girls Are Magic’ was responsible for hand-picking the one-hundred women who feature. All of this Black Girl Power does not mean this book is exclusively for Black children though. It is a book for everyone, all children and adults who want to read incredible stories about amazing women who broke down barriers, tore up the rule book and have paved or are paving the the way for future generations.

For ages 6 years and up this is a great book to start a conversation about so many things and it is available to buy from most places that you can buy books including Amazon.

I was sent Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic free of charge in exchange for this blog post.


  1. This looks great! We have Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls which also introduced me to several inspirational women that I had never heard of before.


  2. Terrific! I am glad it's got Ellie reading.

  3. That looks like a fabulous book. I love books like this which showcase inspiring women and give girls such great role models. It's good to know to see the diversity in this series as well. #MMBC

  4. This sounds like a really great book and something my 12 year old daughter Caitlin would really enjoy. #MMBC

  5. ooo this looks a brilliant book to help girls get inspired X #mmbc

  6. What a great tradition. I've always tried to include books with my presents. Depending on the child some get easier and some get more challenging as they get older depending on their tastes in reading. For some I only have to order the next book in their favorite series and I'm covered in others its inspiring them to try something because reading isn't the favorite hobby.
