Friday, 5 November 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Cold! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I could have also used the words wet, dark and grey this week too. The weather certainly has changed and it has put me into a right grump. I wouldn't normally say I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder but I am starting to think I have a touch of it as I haven't been in the best of moods this week and I have had no motivation for anything. I am sure I will be fine as I have a busy few weeks coming up to take my mind of the cold and get me out of my foul mood.

On Saturday we had fun at our local auction. We arrived just as it started to rain and would have stayed dry if we didn't feel the need to go to the cafe for a sandwich and a cup of tea. I ended up running through a puddle and soaking my feet which left me feeling cold for the rest of the day. It didn't really bother me until I got home as I was having fun buying some Christmas decorations and ornaments.

The clocks changing really messed with our heads and it has made us all feel tired earlier than we should. When it gets dark we are thinking it's about 7pm and it's actually only 5pm and we have had the heating on a few times this week and it has been lovely especially when we've been out in the cold during the day. 

We got some fence panels from a man up the road who was going to sell them elsewhere. We paid £20 so we got ourselves a bargain. A while ago we were quoted over £2000 to get a new fence put up so £20 is a lot cheaper. Our fence is awkward. It was custom built so the concrete posts are not all the same distance apart and none of them are normal fence panel sizes. Grr.

I ended up stood out the front holding the fence panels on the trailer while my dad and Stu carried them into our garden. It was windy so we didn't want them blowing away and it was rather comical seeing my dad and Stu carrying them, they nearly got blew away a few times. They have started work putting our new fence up during the week and so far it's looking great. We had a chat with our neighbour and she loves it. It's a good couple of feet higher than our old fence so gives us all some privacy. Cold has stopped work a few times. It was bitter out there on Wednesday and they keep coming inside to get warmed up. Bless them.

There is a firework display locally tonight and I don't know if we're going to bother going, the cold is putting me off and to be honest it's pretty annoying what they organisers have done. £5 per person, £3 per child entry if you walk in or £10 for as many people as you can fit in a car. No wonder they are encouraging people to walk. It really is not fair for those who don't drive. Ellie is on about going with a few of her friends. They are not bothered about the bonfire of the fireworks, they just want to go on the fairground rides.

I am sitting here under my blanket with a hot water bottle after being out for most of the day running errands and I am just starting to warm up although my ears are aching. I really should have worn my woolly hat.

How has your week been?

Word of the week linky


  1. We've had a good week. We've stayed mostly indoors because of the cold too! We put off most things that involve going out. We will have to face it tomorrow as we have our covid booster jabs!
    I'm so pleased you got the fence panel for such a great price. We like those cool and frugal deals.
    I would never go to a bonfire night or any firework display but I hope you manage to stay safe if you do decide to go.
    I do get affected by the dark gray and cold season but I am good at finding things to cheer me up.
    Looking forward to hear how your week goes next week. Cheers!

  2. It has been really cold this week. £20 is a LOT cheaper than £2000, how nice to have a new fence. I hope the girls enjoy the fair. xx

  3. We change our clocks this weekend and I am really dreading that as the time change always throws me off for a few days. Our weather has been much drier this week compared to last week but it is definitely getting much colder.

  4. £20 for a fence is a proper bargain! It has been very cold this week but I suppose it is about time it got cold LOL! Hope the girls enjoy the fairground

  5. The weather has definitely turned much chillier this week hasn't it? I'm not a fan of the cold either and find that the clock change also has an effect on my mood and motivation. Getting dark earlier does make it feel much later doesn't it? Your fence panels were certainly a bargain. Hope you enjoyed the firework evening if you did decide to go. #WotW

  6. It's been freezing hasn't it?! As I write this the wind is howling against our house. I can't seem to get warm today and we have the heating on and the fire and stove in.
    Yay for the new fence, that's a brilliant saving. x
