Monday, 29 November 2021

Our weekly meal plan! 29th Nov - 5th Dec. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We did have a couple of changes over the weekend as our plans changed and we went to see the Christmas lights being switched on locally on Friday and didn't bother going to the Scunthorpe one on Saturday as the weather was awful. Rain, sleet and it was ever so cold. We ended up making home made pizzas on Saturday night and of course made too much so there was leftovers for lunch.

Last week I had the food shop delivered on Monday and it really knocked me off with what day it was, at least it felt like a short week. We did get another food shop on Friday and as we only had one a few days earlier we didn't actually need that much so I bought a few more things for Christmas. Asda has an offer on with the wine, if you buy 6 bottles you get 25% off so I got 4 to put away with for Christmas. I also got the Advocaat to make Snowballs and some of the Glitterberry J2O's which the kids love.

I can't believe this week we are into December. This year has flown over! We have nothing on this week which I am glad about as next week we have parents evening for Ellie and a check on her ears at hospital which I am dreading as I didn't get on well with the stand in doctor last year, I really hope it's a different doctor.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Mince, dumplings, mash and veg.
WednesdaySausage, egg and chips. 
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Fake KFC. Chicken bits, fries, coleslaw, garlic bread and salad.
Sunday - Pulled pork in buns.

What are you eating this week?

I am linking up with Karen over at Cat's, Kids, Chaos who is now hosting the meal planning linky.


  1. You've got some great winter warming meals planned for this cold weather. I really like the sound of the Italian meatball traybake :o)


  2. Love your meal plan for this week. You've made me fancy dumplings now...

  3. ohhh lots of lovely meals love a fakeaway and not had dumplings in so long. Enjoy xxx

  4. I always get thrown off when our grocery shop day changes. It makes the week feel weird. I love the sound of the fake KFC, do you fry or bake it?
    Thanks for linking up to #mealplanmonday
