Sunday, 7 November 2021

Winter berries. #MySundaySnapshot

 It feels like all I have done on social media for the last week is complain about the cold. It really is cold though. I am sick of it already and it's only going to get colder over the next few months. Winter is coming.

I can see how much the weather has changed by the hedge on the way to my dads house. It is a good indicator of the change in seasons. It only seems a few weeks ago that it was overgrown with lush green grass and weeds now it is looking pretty bare even with the leaves that are left. What does stand out are the berries.

Winter berries

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. I'm just the same, I've done far too much moaning about the cold this week! Let's hope we start to get used to it soon.
    Those berries definitely look very wintry.

  2. That is a striking red, no wonder they stand out.


  3. winter berries can be so pretty, those look like they should be on a Christmas card. x

  4. I saw these beautiful red berries when we visited Tophill Low Nature Reserve. If you ever get a chance to go there, it's very nice! Lovely photo.

  5. Aw so pretty with the vivid colour x #mysundaysnapshot

  6. Such a wonderful, wintery photograph. Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
