Monday, 24 April 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 24th - 30th April. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well. Our favourite meal was the meal out that we had at the all you can eat place. We always take it as a challenge and eat until we can't eat anymore. I had a sandwich at about 8pm on the Monday night and that was because I felt like I should have something to eat not because I was hungry. I ended up not making the meatballs on Friday which meant I had to plan something else for Saturday. It was no worry, I got the weekly food shop from Iceland so we had a ready meal on Friday and home made Chinese takeaway on Saturday with Sweet & sour chicken balls, egg fried rice, chow mein, spring rolls and salt & pepper chips.

We have this week before the country starts getting silly with all of the bank holidays. I am not going to know what day it is. Ellie went back to school on Tuesday after the Easter break last week and it really threw me to what day it was. I don't have anything planned for this week. More gardening and that's about it although I do feel like I am forgetting something.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Stu and I are going out for lunch so it will just be something out of the freezer with chips.
Tuesday - Meatballs, spaghetti and garlic bread. I will make them this time.
Wednesday - Chicken Kievs with new potatoes and peas.
ThursdayTuna wraps without the anchovies though.
Friday - Fish, chips and mushy peas. Home made although the kids will beg for from the chip shop but it's so expensive now, especially for fish.
Saturday - Pizza.
Sunday - Cottage pie. Just one of the frozen, family ready meal one's.

What are you eating this week?


  1. I can understand your kids, fish and chips from the chip shop is one of my favourites meals :o)
    But I'm really shocked by the price of fish right now, it feels like it's more expensive than meat. Tuna risotto is still a fairly inexpensive meal for us though.


  2. It sounds like you all had good time enjoying food during the last week. This week's menu plan is interesting too with different varieties. I like the combination of Meatballs, spaghetti and garlic bread. Hope you will make it a delicious meal!
    Have a nice week!

  3. Sounds like a great meal plan! I need to make spagetti and meatballs again, the family loves meatballs, I'm just usually too lazy to make them so I always end up making just meat sauce.

  4. We also have teacher strike days. A cheaper way with the chip shop is to by chip shop chips but use frozen fish

  5. One of my May goals is to be better about meal planning. These are yummy dinner ideas!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  6. The all you can eat place sounds great and I love the challenge of eating until you can eat no more haha! I always have to eat something for dinner even if I'm not hungry from a big lunch. I can't stand the thought of missing an evening meal!

  7. All you can eat sounds ideal, I used to take the kids to one in Sutton Coldfield when they were younger although I think they mostly ate ice cream. Meal Plan sounds fab

  8. Hope you and Stu enjoyed your lunch out. I bet that made a nice change for you both.
    We love a chippy tea here too, but like you say they can really add up can't they?!
    Those tuna wraps look very tempting, how did you get on with them? xx
