Friday 7 April 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Unbelievable! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Happy Friday and Happy Easter almost. My girls always try to convince me that they are allowed to eat their Easter eggs today but I always make them wait until Sunday. hehehe What a week. I feel like that if I didn't have photos to prove what I am going to write (they will be in my Project 365 post tomorrow) no one would believe what has gone on this week as some pretty unbelievable things have happened. 

Ellie has been a bit of a tomboy on and off for most of her life. For the last 4 years she has refused to wear any girly looking clothes but since she picked her prom dress she has decided that she wanted to wear skirts and dresses. I couldn't believe it! So we went off to town on Saturday on a shopping spree. We went in a couple of shops before Primark and were shocked at the prices. £30 for a dress, £40 for a jacket, no thank you, we'll stick to Primark prices. We were in there for about an hour and a half and Ellie picked out 2 skirts, some shorts, a dress and a handful of tops along with some false nails, rings and necklaces.

Ellie's new clothes

The false nails went on Sunday and lasted until Wednesday which really surprised me and she has had some revision classes at school where she's wore the skirts and tops. She still wore her boots with one of the skirts but she looks so different. Her favourite is the blue dress and she is planning on buying more in different colours.

If you look back on my Word of the Week posts in March you can read about how our gas meter battery has gone so the whole meter needs replacing, a simple job. Our energy company said they were sending someone out and then just sent someone to read the meter and to check I wasn't lying about the meter not working, he saw it wasn't working, then they sent the real engineer on Tuesday! He came with his boss, they said they were going to replace all of our smart meters and spent a good 20 minutes stood outside chatting and it turns out the boss man said the engineer can't replace our smart meters because it's just the gas meter which needs replacing. They can only do the job they were sent to do, not half a job which makes no sense to me, it made no sense to the engineer either, he said he would have done it if his boss hadn't have been there. 

I got back on the phone to British Gas to complain. The complaints department put me thorough to the smart meter department and I had a man questioning if the gas meter even was broke, mansplaining to me how to switch it on. A meter reader has said it's not working, an engineer and him patronising me wasn't going to fix it. He then went on to say that in November there was an issue where all smart meters in the country and they stopped working, lol and that's why mine wasn't working. Oh how I laughed. I explained to him that the electric one hasn't worked for over 3 years and the only reason it wasn't fixed was because of Covid lockdowns and the gas one only stopped working in December so that's not to blame. He said prove it, I told him to look at my account and see when the readings from the smart meters were last sent. I of course was right! 

We are now booked in to get the gas meter replaced in a couple of weeks but it's not the end of my complaints. I have written a very long email with screenshots of the miscommunication from them. I wasn't going to take it further but I got an email on Wednesday saying "Our engineer visited your property recently to fit a smart meter, but we couldn't access your existing meter." which is a blatant lie!

While the gas man was here he left the front door open and a cat sneaked in. Becky went upstairs a good hour after the gas man had left and found it laid at the top of the stairs. It was a happy little thing but I tried to shoo it downstairs and it wouldn't budge. I ended up having to carry it down while fearing for my life. I didn't know whether it was going to scratch or bite me, it just goes to prove I am not a cat person.

This week has felt so surreal and will do even more today as Stu is off work, he is rarely off work on a Friday but with it being a bank holiday he would struggle to get in with our Sunday service buses. He went into work on Monday to cover his hours for today but then just as his shift was finishing a manager asked him what he was doing at work as he had sorted him a holiday but forgot to tell Stu. The manager said Monday's hours will just go down as overtime which is paid at time and a half but then later in the week another manager said they said they can't pay for extra overtime so he can have Saturday off too so with his normal days off he now has 4 days off work! Hooray!

How has your week been? I hope it has been a good one.

Word of the Week linky


  1. That's terrible service mate. I bet you had to bite your tongue, I know I would have! Cheeky sods. I hope you get somewhere with your complaint and get your meter sorted.
    Ellie looks fab in her new clothes and I love that blue dress. I used to be all jeans, joggers and hoodies when I was younger too, never did dresses.
    Hope Stu enjoys his time off work and that you all have a lovely Easter munching on choccie hehe! xx

  2. Lol, we always wait until Sunday to eat Easter eggs too. Sounds like you and Ellie had a lovely shopping trip and I love all her new outfits. It does seem strange seeing Ellie in dresses and skirts! Sorry that British Gas have been such a nightmare to deal with. Hope that things get sorted out soon. Lovely that Stu has 4 days off work for the Easter weekend. Hope you are all enjoying the long weekend. #WotW

  3. Ellie looks fantastic in her new clothes! What a mess with the meter getting sorted, the nerve of the guy to lie about not being able to access your place! It's good you wrote an email and hopefully they'll get their act together and do their jobs properly. I had all sorts of issues with our phone company a few years ago. And I don't know how many hours I spent on the phone trying to sort out my internet. So nice that you had Stu home for a few days.

  4. Ellie looks fabulous in her new clothes!! I can't believe what a mess you are having to deal with with the meters and the attitudes-- I wish you luck in getting it all straightened out.

  5. I'm really late this week as I've not been on the computer much over the holiday. It does sound unbelievable the way you have been messed about with your smart meters. I do hope you get somewhere with your complaint. I think Ellie looks amazing in her new clothes. My Boo has started to develop her own sense of style too. I hope you've had a lovely Easter xx
