Sunday, 16 April 2023

Treats from the farm shop. #MySundaySnapshot

I find it impossible to go to our local farm shop and buy just what I am actually going for. I went for bedding plants, came away with those and also some chutney, pickles and strawberries.

I love Piccalilli on ham sandwiches but just the juice, not the vegetables in it. The Mango is great as a dip and I have eaten nearly half of this jar in a week and it was my first time trying the beetroot chutney, I will be back for more.

Treats from the farm shop

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. Yum! Those pickles, chutney and strawberries must be so tasty!

  2. Your post reminds me that I haven't been to a farm shop in ages. They do stock items you can't find anywhere else and they are really nice. I like one that is close to a 16th century pub, so we go for coffee in the morning before visiting the farm shop.
    The strawberries look delicious.

  3. Thisiswhereitisat17 April 2023 at 15:10

    That is a treat enjoy

  4. oh yes, you are just like me, I love the farm shop and especially the chutneys. I also go for the cheese!

  5. Those strawberries look delicious! I hardly ever buy chutneys, but always enjoy them when I do, especially mango chutney.

  6. Mmmm delicious! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
