Tuesday, 6 June 2023

2 more weeks of school left!

Here we are, the final couple of weeks of Ellie being at school. She has 8 more GCSE exams to do and unlike previous years she will have to go into school. In previous years schools have let the students go on study leave at the start of the half term that we have just had but since Covid they are encouraged to stay in school. The kids are not having normal lessons, they are just revising for the next exam that they have. Ellie's last exam is on the 16th of this month and then all the kids will go back in on the Monday to get their shirts signed, pick up their hoodies and do whatever else they are doing.

Ellie decided that she wanted to buy a couple of teachers some presents to say thank you. Her English teacher who has been amazing. A couple of years ago I made her cry at parents evening by saying that Ellie had never been interested in English lessons until now, she comes home and talks about what she has been learning and the teacher broke down crying. She took on a small class of kids who weren't doing so well but had potential and has always said she will be using Ellie as an example in years to come to other students of what you can achieve if you put the work in. Ellie is also getting her maths teacher a little something, he has been fantastic too and has really pushed her to work hard and understand everything.

As much as Ellie can't wait to leave school and enjoy a long summer she has said she is going to miss it. Her friends who are going to different colleges, the kids in other years that she gets on with, the fun she had in lessons and she said leaving school and starting college is such a grown up thing. She's not scared she's just a little wary of what is to come.

Ellie said she is going to enjoy the next couple of weeks, it is much more relaxed now and they are getting plenty of down time between revision sessions. Just before half term there was a group of the kids playing Stuck In The Mud, a game Ellie hadn't played since she was in infant school. Then there is of course prom to look forward to.

When she leaves school she has 2 and a half months of relaxing, I was going to say she doesn't have much planned but she does. Days out with friends, she trips out with me planned and she is trying to convince her sister to go some places too. I've told her that she will have to help around the house a little more if she wants extra money for all the spending that she has planned. It's going to be strange having Ellie home and her not going to school. I think we are both going to enjoy this summer!

Do you have teens leaving school this year?


  1. What an exciting time. I wish Ellie all the best in her exams and for the future! #MMBC

  2. It's next year here for us but wishing Ellie all the luck.

  3. That is such an exciting and yet slightly anxious time. I completely understand how she feels! Wishing her all the best as she wraps up her year and in all her future endeavors as well.

  4. It's such an exciting time for Ellie! And how fantastic that she had some really caring teachers who helped her achieve her best. I remember I had one teacher like that and I have never forgotten her, sometimes I wish that I could contact her and say thank you. Sam finished school last year and I was the one feeling anxious, sad and excited. He just couldn't wait to leave school and start being a grown up. I still have to remind my 'grown up' to do his chores though hehe.
