Monday, 12 June 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 12th - 18th June. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well, we swapped a couple of days around but we ate everything. It seems like the weather is finally starting to finally warm up, wasn't the weekend lovely! I made the most of it. Out in the garden on Saturday weeding and then out for lunch on Sunday. I always seem to fancy a roast dinner when it's hot but really don't want to be in the kitchen cooking, our kitchen gets all of the sun from about 11am until it sets so it's like an oven in there without the oven even been on.

This week we don't have much on. We're just going to plod on and make it to the end of the week. Ellie has just 5 more exams this week and then she's done with school, well apart from getting her shirt signed, prom and things like that. We have started to make some plans about what she's going to do with all her spare time over the summer which I am really looking forward to. She had the idea that she was going to sleep until lunchtime, although that would be lovely we compromised and said the alarms would be set for half eight and up by 9am. It's still better than getting up each morning at 7am.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - It's supposed to be hot, hot, hot today so no cooking. We will have a picky tea. Sausage rolls, sandwiches, crisps, cake and maybe some ice cream.
TuesdayCarrot & coriander soup with mango chutney pastry twists. Even though this is soup it always feels like a summery meal. I will be sure to make plenty for lunch the next day too.
Thursday - Chicken and salad in wraps.
Friday - Takeaway! Ellie's choice, a treat for finishing her exams.
Saturday - Maybe another BBQ.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. the sausage, apple and potato one pan roast sounds really nice. We really enjoy chicken salad in wraps. I haven't planned anything for Leila finishing her exams...oops! I've still got time xx

  2. Alec just has a couple days of school and we have so many things on our calendar this week that I planned super simple meals like tacos, burgers/hot dog night, sandwiches, etc. so each person can eat whenever if we don't make it to all sit down together.
