Saturday, 24 June 2023

A photo every day for a year! 17th - 23rd June Week 25 of #Project365

Every day seems to feel like a Saturday or Sunday now that Ellie has finished school as we haven't found a new routine yet. We've had a nice week, it's been different but nice. We have kept ourselves busy and as I write this yesterday I have plonked my self on my armchair and I will be here most of the weekend watching Glastonbury. So far we've watched Maisie Peters who I'd never heard of but she's really good and now the Lightening Seeds. I knew I liked them but I didn't realise I knew most of their songs.

Now for a photo every day!

Warning that rain is coming on my laptop
Lawnmower and shirt signed.
Duolingo and my youngest girls haircut
My eldest on her laptop and youngest with hair dye on

168/365 - 17th June
My laptop said rain was coming nearly all day on Saturday. It didn't arrive until Tuesday and it rained all day which was very welcome.

169/365 - 18th June
My dad needed photos of his ride on mower, I don't know why. I just did as I was asked.

170/365 - 19th June
Ellie was back at school for a few hours to have the leavers assembly and to get her shirt signed. The biggest message was from her English teacher. It was the one that probably means the most and the teacher that Ellie will remember when she's my age.

171/365 - 20th June
It rained all day so I just pottered around the house and caught up a bit with Duolingo. I haven't broken my streak but I'm not even in the promotion zone this week. Hmmf.

172/365 - 21st June
I cut Ellie's hair. It's near enough what she wanted. I followed instructions off YouTube, I got the layers, thinned it out and shortened it. She loves it and that's all that matters.

173/365 - 22nd June
Becky is still here even though I don't seem to have had a photo in ages. hehehe If she's not working or sleeping she's out with friends.

174/365 - 23rd June
Today was hair dye day for Ellie. She has wanted her whole head of hair dyed for years but school didn't allow dyed hair so of course now she's left she was eager to get it done. She's started off simple with just a dark purple. I need to get a proper photo of it done, it looks so good.

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  1. Must be so strange having Ellie finished school and at home for this time. Her hair looks really good - I'd never attempt something as complicated as that. She must trust you a lot!

  2. Oh you are brave cutting hair.....I would be too scared to get it wrong. Such an emotional time when they leave school and get leaving messages!

  3. Such a lovely message on Ellie’s shirt from her English teacher. Ellie’s hair looks great. Well done to you on doing such a good job of cutting it. I don’t think I’d ever be brave enough to cut Sophie’s. Hope the purple hair dye turned out well. #project365

  4. 42 and have never dyed my hair, wish I was braver and had the energy! It seems like only a few years ago I left school but it was over 25 and my eldest only has a couple of years left, argh! #project365

  5. I don't really remember the gap when my older kids left school but it must have felt weird at the time. I am pretty sure they all found work quite quickly as needed money for the holidays

  6. There's no way I'd ever cut hair, used to send my kids to the neighbours for a buzz cut, all the boys in the street had a number 4
