Monday, 19 June 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 19th - 25th June. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan was a bit hit and miss. Some meals were moved around we didn't bother having the soup. I found the biggest success of the week was the sausage, apple and potato one-pan roast, it was tasty, filling and with it being a one pot roast I just whacked everything into the baking tray and let the oven do the work, there was no standing in the kitchen roasting myself. Ellie decided she didn't want a takeaway, she would much rather have me cook my version of a Chinese takeaway with things bought from Iceland. It took more work from me but it did save a shed load of money.

We have nothing on this week, well Ellie is in school today for a few hours today to have her shirt signed and the leavers assembly and then she has the whole of summer to relax and enjoy herself. She has been making plans on what she will be having for lunches every day, a meal deal on a Monday, sandwiches from the butchers on a Tuesday, chip shop Wednesday, a burger from the cafe on a Thursday and breakfast from the pub on a Friday. I have told her to get stuffed, there is no chance for all of that. She will make do with a home made sandwich, sausage rolls or something like that for most of the days. I said we will have a treat once a week.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Chinese Style Pork Rib Steaks with salt and pepper chips.
WednesdayTurkey burgers chips and baked beans.
Thursday - Meatballs and spaghetti.
Saturday - Pizza.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort, probably out. It has become a bit of a habit but it beats spending time stood in a boiling kitchen.

What are you eating this week?


  1. That sounds like a nice menu. I'd love to have a roast dinner out, we have a carvery within walking distance, but most of my family are not keen on roast dinners anyway.

  2. oooh bbq chicken pasta sounds nice
