Monday, 5 June 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 5th - 11th June. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly Meal Plan

Last weeks meal plan went well, really well considering it was half term and that's when things usually go to pot. The weather wasn't great last week, we managed the barbeque but didn't think it was going to happen. This week the weather is looking better, there's sunshine forecast so that's good and it's put me in the mood for summery food.

Ellie had a lovely break from school but it's back to the exams today. We're heading towards the end of them and the end of Ellie's life at school. 2 weeks today will be her last day. Eek! It's going to be so strange not being a parent to any school children. I think I am going to miss school life although Ellie will have a couple of more years at college.

I don't have anything planned for this week. I am quite glad as I feel worn out from last week from all of the shopping, seeing family that came to visit from the North East and just being busy. I actually spent more time doing other things than being on my laptop. I liked it but it feels like I have a lot of catching up to do now.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Pork and apple sausages with roast potatoes,fried mushrooms and onion gravy.
TuesdayTuna pasta salad.
Wednesday - Mango coconut & lime chicken mini fillets with egg fried rice, spring rolls and prawn toast. I am thinking we will need some sort of sauce for the rice so it won't be too dry.
Thursday - Thai style pork patties with sweet potato wedges. This is a Gousto recipe that we love.
Friday - Fish, chips and mushy peas.
Saturday - Hot dogs in buns with corn on the cob and fries. If it's nice out we will cook them on the BBQ.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Yum sounds a lovely week. As usual I am just thinking what we will be having.

  2. Wednesday's chicken sounds really yummy! This week I'm quite organised - Asian salad, spinach lasagne, fresh fish from the fishmonger and beef curry :)


  3. We have quite a few BBQ meals on our menu this week but I tried to push a few of them off until next week since it's supposed to be quite cool and rainy most of the week. Tonight I'm making a chicken parmesan casserole with pasta and garlic bread.

  4. Good food, quite similar to what I usually have (except the pork item).
