Thursday, 1 June 2023

365 Days Of Gratitude. In May I was grateful for...

I have seen many people on social media list something every day that they are grateful for and thought I would join in and have on my private Facebook account every day and I thought I would share here too.

I did this for the whole of last year and it has really made me realise that even on the bad day's I have something to be grateful for.


Day 121 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for another bank holiday! I do love a short week!

Day 122 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for I'm a Celebrity! I laughed so much at it tonight with the drinking trial.

Day 123 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for homemade soup! Pea and ham is our favourite. Even Ellie who usually won't eat peas will eat this!

Day 124 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I could vote. I went and did my bit and took Becky along too so she could vote for the first time.

Day 125 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that my garden has had a good water! What a storm we had. The power even went off for a minute.

Day 126 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for my dad and his partner popping around, we watched the Coronation. My dad left his partner here and we had a good gossip. 

Day 127 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for Ellie telling me to watch the film Fall. What a twist at the end. My heart was racing watching it but it was really good. 

Day 128 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that my dad lives nearby so Ellie and I could go for a shower at his. Our boiler isn't working. Ugh! It's due to be replaced soon so that will be happening sooner than expected.

Our broken boiler

Day 129 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a productive day. I got plenty done around the house.

Day 130 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for the amazing plumbers and gas man who put us a new boiler in. I thought they were joking when they said it would only take a few hours, I thought it was an all day job. They did great.

Day 131 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that the first half of Ellie's photography GCSE exam went well. She's had 5 hours today and has 5 more tomorrow. Next week the sit down, written exams start. Eek!

Day 132 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that my grocery shopping was delivered without any issues, the same can't be said for next door. hehehe.

Day 133 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for Eurovision. We didn't do well but it was still entertaining and Hannah Waddingham is an absolute diva.

Day 134 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Stu cut the grass, it was starting to look like a bit of a jungle out the back.

Day 135 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I was grateful for a nice evening with my family. It wasn't a special occasion or anything but it was one of those evenings where we all ate together which rarely happens and we laughed lots!

Day 136 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Ellie's first proper exam went well. She said she answered all of the questions and tried her hardest. That is all we can ask.

Day 137 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that the Harry Potter films are back on Netflix. I was planning on watching one this afternoon but I didn't have time, I will tomorrow though. hehehe

Day 138 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I had a better nights sleep last night. I have had some rubbish sleep this past week and some freaky dreams. I seem to be the one stressing about the GCSE exams, Ellie is loving them.

Day 139 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that someone is moving in next door which means the building work must be finished!! HOORAY!! He's moved a bed, a couple of sofas a fridge and a few other bits in. I was having a good nosy earlier on. lol

Day 140 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I found the time to clean the garden furniture.  I have had such a busy day.

Day 141 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for lunch out, sunshine and a couple of drinks in the pubs beer garden!


Day 142 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for getting the cushions off the sun loungers washed, looking at the weather forecast I think we might be spending more time outside. 

Day 143 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I have found something new to watch, well new to me. Firefly Lane off Netflix. I'm a few episodes in and I am loving it.

Day 144 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that we have finally made some plans for half term that both of the girls can agree on.

Day 145 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a day out shopping. It was the fun kind of shopping where candles and plants were bought. hehehe

Day 146 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Becky finally tidied her bedroom. It was an absolute pig sty!

Day 147 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I was grateful for the sunshine even thought I felt like I was melting when I went to the shop.

Day 148 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Stu has started on the painting outside. He got the planters out the front done and some of the fence.

Hair dyed and ears pierced

Day 149 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for hair dye! It went on really well apart from it being brighter than I expected which isn't a bad thing.

Day 150 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a fun day out in Hull with the girls. 
Ellie got her ears pierced. I've said no up until today but she has really grown up over the last few months. We went to H.Samuel, she didn't even flinch and she's so happy!

Day 151 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a day at home with Ellie. We have had a busy few days so it was nice to do just homey things.

What were you grateful for in May?


  1. SO many wonderful things to be thankful for. I love Ellie's new pierced ears. We came home from vacation to find that my mother in law and my oldest had mowed the lawn for us and we were so thankful to have one less thing to do.

  2. I loved reading this! I always say I'm going to try this and then I forget. I was trying to think of what I was thankful for in May when my load of washing finished. So I went to hang it up and I saw that I had accidentally put my husbands favourite and best going out wool jumper in the wash with the rest of the dark colours. I am so grateful that it hasn't shrunk! So now I can start my June list of things to be grateful for!
