Saturday, 16 September 2023

A photo every day for a year! 9th - 15th September. Week 37 of #Project365

We seem to have got back to normal after having a few weeks of excitement, being away on holiday then a night away for Becky's birthday last weekend. We've found our new normal and routine and it seems to be working well for us. My brain and body now thinks I am a morning person and I am making the most of it while I am enjoying getting up early. Yesterday by 2pm I had tidied the house, done some cleaning, put the shopping away, paid some bills, went out for breakfast with my girls, been to see my dad and fixed his spreadsheets, had a pint at the pub, made some curried carrot soup, got 3 loads of washing washed dried and put away, watched a couple of episodes of Fear the Walking Dead and started writing this blog post. lol Who even am I? I'd like to keep up with the productivity but I know it won't last.

We are looking forward to tonight and the start of the new series of Strictly! It seems strange being at home on a Saturday night after having 2 weekends away but I am looking forward to getting in my pj's and opening a bottle of wine.

Now for a photo everyday.

My family and my eldest
GCSE letter and new 50p coin
Black Sky TV and sunflower plant
Chips, baked beans and chips

252/365 - 9th September
We surprised Becky with a night in a hotel and a visit to the all you can eat place in Hull. We had a great time and stuffed ourselves. We were in bed by just after 10pm as we were all so full. lol

253/365 - 10th September
Becky's 21st birthday and her favourite present was the 6ft cardboard cut out of Harry Styles, him out of One Direction. She thought it was such a good idea for a present as she is so hard to buy for.

254/365 - 11th September
The paperwork came through saying Ellie's Maths GCSE grade had gone up. She still had to have a maths lesson at college on Monday until she could take it in to show them. With the extra GCSE she could have moved up to the higher electrical engineering course but she's happy where she is, she's planned her life and wants to learn the basics before jumping into the tougher stuff.

255/365 - 12th September
I finally saw one of the new 50 pence's with King Charles on. 

256/365 - 13th September
On TikTok I saw you could turn the Sky TV menu into dark mode. Settings, Accessibility and then put high contrast on! So simple and it looks so much better than the blue or pink earlier in the week when the Barbie movie was available to purchase.

257/365 - 14th September
My sunflower is about 5ft tall now, it is the only thing thriving in my garden at the moment.

258/365 - 15th September
Becky got chips, baked beans and cheese from our local cafe and I am sure they gave her extra. There was easily enough there for 2 people. 

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  1. Congratulations to Ellie for the revised result. Your sunflower is huge, well done.

  2. Such good news the maths increase has all gone through. Happy belated birthaday to Becky. Glad you all had a good time away celebrating it.

  3. It's great how you manage a photo every day, I love the one of Becky with Harry Styles. I didn't realise he was so tall. xx

  4. I am so happy to hear that Ellie's grade has gone up, that must have been really exciting news for her :)


  5. Wow! You have been so productive now you are on team morning! I love the life size cut out of Harry Styles, what a brilliant idea for Becky's 21st birthday present. It actually looks very realistic! Pj's and a bottle of wine on a Saturday night sounds like bliss.

  6. We were looking forward to Strictly starting too – it’s the one thing that we all love watching together. Sounds like Becky had a lovely birthday. I don’t think I’ve seen any coins yet with the King’s head on them. Your sunflower is doing well. #project365

  7. You sound like you have been very productive. The cardboard cutout looks so real! What a good idea. Makes for fun photos. What a great result on the grading.

  8. Glad the grade improvement is official. I still haven't seen any KC3 coins :( #project365

  9. Sounds like Becky had a fab 21st birthday. I have days like that where everything gets done quickly, followed by weeks of nothing lol
