Friday, 29 September 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Friendships!! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I did think I was going to struggle with my Word of the Week this week as nothing much had happened over the weekend and at the start of the week and then my girls, who are the gift who keep on giving inspired me.

One of my girls made a friend who I wasn't keen on. I had two choices: tell her that she wasn't allowed to see them anymore or just let her ride it out and realise that the person was a wrong'un for themselves. My girls are not kids anymore so it's not as straightforward as just saying no, you can't speak or see them anymore. I decided to just let things go, keeping an eye on what was going on. My girl realised things weren't right with this person on Wednesday and told them so and blocked them on social media. They will see this person when they are out and about but we are hoping they have got the message and keep their distance.

One of my girls has had a change in her friendship group as one of her friends has moved away. The friend in question was her best friend so she has been a little sad about it. Over the past few weeks she has got closer to one of her other friends and now they are as thick as theives. She has said she hasn't replaced her best friend, the one in question is just a new, added best friend.

Ellie has reconnected with old friends from school while she has been at college. On her first day she met up with someone that is a couple of years above her who has kept her right with the buses and she is now closer to a couple of people in college that she went to school with and has reconnected with with a couple of people who left her school in year 8 or 9. Ellie has a couple of boy friends who are not boyfriends, she said it's so funny as she keeps having to explain things to a new friend that they are always silly like this, play fighting, arguing over football and apologising for them being so embarrassing. Boys will be boys. lol.

On Wednesday Ellie and her group of friends were in college they had a free lesson at the end of the day and decided to go to the other college before they caught the bus. There are 2 colleges almost next to each other and students are not supposed to visit the other college but they do anyway. Her and her group went looking for another friend and found out what classroom he was in, they were all set to go and knock on the window to get his attention until they thought better of it. Phew! I know Ellie is a good kid but she does seem to sometimes get led astray by others which I have had more than a few words about.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!


  1. You are so lucky your girls still let you know what's going on in their lives and thier friendship groups. I hope you know some kids don't. lol
    Wishing you all all the best for a fab weekend of beautiful friendships.

  2. It sounds that Ellie is quite grounded for her age. Good for her deciding to stay clear of trouble.
    At least she has you looking out for her in the background. What an awesome mum! 😊 xx

  3. It's great that your girls confide in you about what's going on in their lives. It's also great that they are finding their way and learning about the kinds of people they want to spend time with and the ones they should keep away from. Good on Ellie for being mature and rethinking the plan that might have ended with not great consequences.

  4. Friendships can sometimes be tricky things to navigate but it sounds like your girls are doing well with that. It's hard when a close friends moves away - glad that there are other friends that have helped fill the void. Always nice to reconnect with old friends too. #WotW
