Sunday, 17 September 2023

Feeling short! #MySundaySnapshot

Over the last few weeks after having a couple of breaks away I have got some fantastic photos of me and my girls. I know we all look so alike, they hate that but I never realised how tall they had got until I saw this photo and realised Becky is officially taller than me now and Ellie isn't very far behind. It won't be long until I will be the shortest person in my family. lol

Me and my girls.

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. That's a gorgeous photo of the three of you. I know what you mean, 3 of my 5 children are taller than me. I do feel we'd probably tower above you though, at 5ft 8 I never thought I'd feel short! xx

  2. I'm taller than my daughter - when she slouches!

  3. You definitely look like family. Don't worry about height; I'm the shortest in my family 2. #MMBC

  4. That's such a beautiful photo of the three of you. I have been the shortest in my family for years now and everyone towers over me! The first thing my boys do when they catch up is measure each other back to back. They are currently the same height, but my oldest is determined that he's at least one millimetre taller.

  5. What a lovely photo! You really are so alike. I thought I would end up as the shortest in my family, but my daughter hasn't quite caught me up.

  6. I was once taller than my kids - I'm very quickly being left behind. This is such a lovely picture - Thanks for taking part and linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
