Thursday, 28 September 2023

What I loved in September!

What a month September was! There was a lot of excitement with trips away, a birthday and a lot of nerves with my youngest starting college! I am glad all the busyness has calmed down a little and we are back into our normal, every day routine.

What I loved

This is what I loved in September!

Improved GCSE results!
We got a phone call off Ellie's old maths teacher from school saying her maths GCSE papers had been sent off to be re-marked as she was so close to getting a pass. They came back and she got quite a few extra points and the pass that she wanted. Now she doesn't have to study maths at college and resit the exam. It was fantastic news!

Trips away! 
We had 2 little breaks away in September. We stayed by the sea in a cottage for a family wedding which was amazing and then a night away in a hotel, not too far from us for Becky's 21st birthday. It was brilliant to go away but it was so nice to come home and sleep in my own bed.

Amble Harbour

Amazon Prime!
It's been years since I subscribed to Amazon Prime and that was only by accident when I was rushing to buy something. This time I willingly subscribed. When we were up in the North East everyone was talking about a Newcastle United documentary, all about the football club being taken over by new owners and I wanted to watch it. Then I started watching Fear the Walking Dead, Clarkson's Farm, the latest Matrix movie and some others. I am coming to the end of my free 30 day trial as I have a list of other things that I want to watch, I think I am going to have to pay for another month.

Ellie settling into college.
I had so many worries about Ellie starting college but she has taken to it like a duck to water! She's loving all of the work and made a few new friends and found some old one's which went off to different high schools years ago but have ended up at the same college. The only thing she's not keen on is the buses, they are so unreliable but that's nothing new. One day she decided she was going to complain and sent an angry email to the bus company. I was so proud she was sticking up for herself.

A mini-heatwave!
At the start of September we finally had a bit of summer, typically just as the kids went back to school and college. It was lovely but I don't do well in the heat, it turns me into such a grump. At least our house is cool when it's hot out so it didn't cause much disruption but I got all the washing dried on the line quickly which worked out perfectly as I had a small mountain to do after being away on holiday and I spent time sitting in the garden on a morning before it got too hot!

Washing on the line

The TV show, not my own! lol Last year I wrote about how gutted I was that Neighbours was ending but amazingly Amazon revived it and have started showing new episodes. A lot of the cast have left but all my favourites are still there. There was a 2 year time jump and so much has changed. In the trailers they hyped a big wedding and I was so shocked with who it was getting married. Toadie and Terese. As of writing this I have no idea how they got together and I don't like where it looks like it's heading with Harold, he's lost his memory once in the past, please not again!

Enjoying being in the kitchen!
Our kitchen gets so hot in the warmer months so it's always a real chore to spend time in there cooking and adding more heat from the oven or hob to an already hot room but at this time of year I always enjoy cooking and trying new recipes or even old one's that we haven't had in a while. The Coca Cola Chicken went down really well and the Curried carrot soup felt like a real winter warmer.

Getting cosy!
It's cooled down a lot, especially over the last week so I have enjoyed the things that Autumn brings. Fluffy socks, fleecy pj's, hot chocolate, burning candles, comfort food and blankets.

Blogging about our break away.
I had planned to write a couple of blog posts about our little break that we had at the end of August where we went to Newcastle and the 2nd leg of it at the start of September where we went to Amble in Norhtumberland but ended up writing much more. All about the Sleeperz Hotel we stayed in Newcastle which was a real hidden gem, the open top bus tour that we went on and had a great time seeing the city and learning all about the history of it, the cottage we stayed in by the sea which felt like a real home away from home and I still have a couple of more blog posts to come about things we did while we were away. 

What did you love in September?

Friday Favourites

I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for their Friday Favorites.


  1. What a great September, mine was quite boring in comparison! I love that Ellie had her maths score re-assessed and she got her GCSE, fab news that's she's settled into her college too. Your trips away all look amazing. xx

  2. What a fantastic September you had! I have enjoyed reading about your fun trips. It's great news that Ellie has settled into college so well but how annoying that the buses are so unreliable though. Good on Ellie for writing them an email! I have never watched Neighbours but I used to watch Home and Away as a teen. I quit watching but my mum was a huge fan. The season finales always seemed to end with a car explosion!

  3. It seems like you all spent a fantastic September. Glad that Ellie could better results in Math. It sounds like the trips are so good too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. What a fabulous September! I've been enjoying your trip recap posts and hearing about how Ellie is settling into school. I have gotten so used to Amazon Prime but keep threatening to cancel it as their prices do keep creeping up and up. Plus I often think it would help curb my spending if I wasn't always getting free shipping!
