Monday, 11 September 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 11th - 17th September. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate just about everything. We had a help yourself and cook for yourself evening on Friday! I couldn't be doing with the heat and going into the kitchen and putting the oven on was never going to happen.

We had such a fantastic weekend. It was Becky's birthday yesterday and we spent Saturday night in Hull. We went to the all you can eat place, our favourite place to eat and it is good on a lunchtime but so much better on an evening. There was extra things like Sushi, lasagne, loads of extra desserts and you could even pick yourself a roast dinner with about 6 different meats. lol The hotel was good, it was just a Premier Inn but the breakfast was amazing, there was so much choice.

It's back to reality now, mostly. I joked with the girls and said I think we will have a weekend at home this weekend. With our little holiday and a night away we've haven't had full weekend at home in what seems like ages. Becky took today and Tuesday off work which means she isn't back in until the weekend, it will be nice to spend some time with her, just me and her.

I am trying out a couple of new recipes this week. I always find I enjoy being in the kitchen when we're in more or a routine. The Sausage and caramelised onion tart and the curried carrot soup are new to us. I imagine the tart being like the bacon and onion one that I made and I love making soup so I'm always on the lookout for new recipes.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Burgers in buns with salt and pepper fries.
Tuesday - Sausage & Caramelised Onion Tart with some sort of salad.
WednesdayChicken stir fry with spring rolls and prawn crackers.
ThursdayCurried carrot soup.
Friday - Fish and chips with mushy peas.
Saturday - Pizza, maybe home made one's if we have time. 
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. The curried carrot soup sounds delicious. I'm looking for a carrot and pumpkin soup recipe but maybe I could try this instead and do half pumpkin and half carrot :)


  2. The tart didn't sound too appealing but I've just looked at the recipe and it looks like it could be real nice. You'll have to let us know x

  3. The all-you-can-eat place sounds fantastic. I like trying all different kinds of food. We used to go to Sizzler's where they had an all-you-can-eat pasta, salad and dessert bar. You could order other things from the menu but then it got a bit pricey. So it wasn't really worth it. Sounds like a brilliant couple of weeks with the holiday and night away!

  4. We're having burgers and buns with fries tonight too! We just went grocery shopping today so I had to make up my menu and I'm hoping I stick to it this week too.

  5. Happy belated birthday to Becky! I love going to All You Can Eat places. As for your menu, I had to google spring rolls, as I had no idea what these are. We call them "loempia" here.
