Sunday, 12 May 2019

Playing hairdressers. #MySundaySnapshot

Sometimes my girls fight like cats and dogs but sometimes they get along and they will play together. Ellie was wanting to play hairdressers and Becky drew the short straw in supplying the hair. Mine was far too short for what Ellie wanted to do.


  1. What a lovely photo. That was very good of Becky to do that. My niece likes playing hairdressers with my daughter's hair. My daughter isn't so keen though as she always tangles it up!

  2. Mine love playing hairdressers too - even with their brother who's hair is so short #MySundaySnapshot

  3. It's lovely to see them getting along so well, and it looks like Ellie is doing a great job!

  4. Bless them, hopefully the hair looked gorgeous when finished x

  5. It's always wonderful when the kids decide to do something together and they get along. #MMBC

  6. They are such good friends aren't they? Love this, it is something to see how close they are xx #mysundaysnapshot

  7. Haha they look like they are getting on really well X #mysundaysnapshot

  8. It must be lovely when they are like that #mysundaysnapshot

  9. Our little lady loves to practice on my hair too. Thanks so much for sharing and for taking part in the #MySundaySnapshot blog linky.
