Sunday, 26 May 2019

The revision seems to be never ending! #MySundaySnapshot

Becky is about half way through her GCSE's but is still revising lots. On Friday night at about 9pm she said she was bored of being on her laptop and was going to do a maths practice paper. I was left to mark it which I think was probably harder than the exam. I was tough on her and she got 43 out of 80 which means with last years grade boundaries she'd have got a 4 which is an old school C! 

Yesterday was Geography revision and doing practice papers for Creative iMedia. (her least favourite subject). I looked through the paper and I think most bloggers could do well in it. hehehe It's all about pre-production skills, digital graphics, creating websites and all things online.


  1. Mine has been a nightmare, with his revising! I feel like I'm constantly nagging! x

  2. It won't be long and she can have a well earned rest X #mysundaysnapshot

  3. Well done to her for all her hard work! And well done to you for marking the past paper.

  4. It will soon be all over, and the relief you will all feel will be immense. Of course it's Becky who is doing all the hard work, but it certainly affects the whole family when it's GCSE time x

  5. I know your family will be so much happier when this is over. #MMBC

  6. I am dreading these days. Hope she's got through it all ok #MySundaySnapshot

  7. I hope that the exams all go well. I do feel for everyone at this time of year. Remember it all so well! #MMBC

  8. I hope all her hard work pays off. She's got a lovely long summer to look forward to. #MMBC

  9. I have all that to come! I hope the rest of her exams go well x

  10. Hope it goes well. Good luck to your girl xx #mysundaysnapshot

  11. Good luck with the exams - CGP are just down the road from me and their books are fab. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #mysundaysnapshot.

  12. I'm not looking forward to all this in our house! Hope it goes well! #MySundaySnapshot
