This week my Word of the Week is:
Another week with a bank holiday has really left me confused. I am a day behind. The kids finish school early on a Wednesday and I totally forgot they'd be home at 3pm instead of 4pm because I thought it was Tuesday.
Stu has changed shifts at work to cover someone on holiday and instead of starting after lunch he's been on the early shift starting at 7.30am. He doesn't mind the early shift because he's home just after lunchtime but I don't like it one bit. It's meant that I going it alone getting the kids up and out of the house for school. It's always so much easier when Stu is here as a bit of back up to hurry them along, look for missing school shoes and insist they wear coats when it's raining. lol It has left me feeling muddled. He's worked afternoon and evening shifts for years. I'm glad it's just a temporary thing.
Becky has felt a little muddled about her R.E GCSE exam which is next week. Her year group all have to take a GCSE is R.E and it turns out it is about Judaism which she says they haven't learned about until this past week. I find that a bit hard to believe. I really think and hope she has her wires crossed somewhere. She is going to ask about it today so hopefully things become a little clearer for her.
We got a text from our landlord on Wednesday saying she has got someone to come and view the house. We panicked thinking she had got a bit muddled with when we were leaving but after a quick phone call it turns out she just wants to get a new tenant lined up for when we move out at the end of June. I suppose it's no different from what we're doing. We have a house ready which we've viewed but the only difference is that there is nobody living in our new house. It will be interesting to see who might be moving into our house.
This weather. It seems mother nature is a little muddled. It's supposed to be spring not winter! What a rotten few days we've had here. Rain, wind and it's been so cold. A few weeks ago I thought I was done with putting the heating on but we've needed it, especially when the kids have got in from school soaked!
The bank holiday weekends always throw me as well, it takes me ages to figure out what day I'm on. Your week does seem rather muddled, hope you can get back on track this weekend x
ReplyDeleteThese short weeks are sent to confuse us. A change in the routine, to boot, must have added to the confusion. I do the mornings by myself, but I appreciate my husband's help in the evening. His " Go to bed" works. Seems strange that Becky has a new topic so close to the exam. Hope it's a small part, rather than anything else. Still exciting that you are on the move. Don't blame the landlord lining up a new tenant. She's going to miss you. The weather has been all over the place. Not much fun now cricket season has started again. #wotw
ReplyDeleteI have been so confused recently with the shorter weeks - didn't help that my daughter's Easter holidays were a lot earlier than other schools. Good luck with the move, exciting times for you! :) Good luck to your daughter for her GCSE's too! :) Sim xx
ReplyDeleteIt does all sound very muddled for you this week. I've had trouble keeping track of the days too, and the schools have been all over the place with teacher training days and closing for voting in the last couple of weeks. Still, it's Friday now...just got to remember that mine come home early. Then we can chill for the weekend. Thanks for linking up to Word of the Week and being one of my Wowers this week. xx #wotw
ReplyDeleteShort weeks always used to leave me muddled too. I could easily forget which day it was. Now that I am retired, I'm muddled all the time! I can never figure out the date or the day of the week. Thank goodness I have a calendar handy on my phone!
ReplyDeleteIt is confusing with the bank holiday, isn’t it? I’m getting my days muddled this week too. It is hard having to do the mornings on your own – hope that Stu is back to his usual shifts soon. Hope that the confusion over Becky’s RE GCSE is cleared up too. The weather has been all over the place over the last week – hopefully we’ll get some sunshine over the weekend! #WotW
ReplyDeleteI've not known what day it is AT ALL this week! lol. I'm totally with you on the muddled, I would be the same, I love routines x
ReplyDeleteThe weather has been so muddled hasnt it? I am so glad next week looks better. Jack had the same with his history GCSE its so annoying. Hope the GCSEs are all going well x
ReplyDeleteMuddled is a great word for word of the week and I think we've been feeling a bit like that too this week! #wotw
ReplyDeleteThe weather has been crazy hasn't it? I hope the GSCE's go well. xx #WOTW