Friday, 31 May 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Saturday! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

The kids have been off school on their half term holidays from school and every day has felt like a Saturday this past week which is not a bad thing as I am very fond of Saturdays. I think Britain's Got Talent being on every evening has added to the confusion. We've been watching it each evening as a family and we're enjoying it. We have quite a few favourites.

I was going to say we haven't been up to much but we have been quite busy. I don't seem to have stopped! I did manage to finish watching The Handmaid's Tale, start watching The Big Bang Theory and rewatching Sex and the City.

I have started the organising, decluttering and packing for when we move at the end of next month. The amount of stuff we have donated and still have to go to the charity shop is unreal! Books, clothes, shoes and toys. I've not even started on the kitchen or kids bedrooms yet!

I have 3 black bags of my clothes, mostly winter things and a few boxes of things from the bedroom ready to move. Stu has sorted all of his clothes too. Next week we're buying a roll of bubble wrap so I can start packing ornaments and breakables from the living room.

We went to visit our happy place on Wednesday. Amble, a small seaside town here in Northumberland. 

It was a lovely day out despite the weather not being the best. The rain mostly held off and it wasn't too cold. We had our chippy dinner and walked for miles.

Becky went to school yesterday for a few hours of Geography revision. She hates that subject but she's making an effort. This past week she has done a couple of test papers for different subjects and has done well in them. I've had the job of marking them which is sometimes harder than the actual exam. lol Becky has 6 and a half days left at school and she's very excited to leave! 


  1. I'm glad you managed a beach day, that's always a bonus in a week of Saturday's. I've been feeling confused about the days this week myself, it's been a strange week indeed. I haven't watched all the BGT programs, I've only caught a couple. Thanks for linking up to #wotw

  2. I get a really nice vibe from your stuff, Kim. You make the ordinary pleasures we often take for granted sound the way they should. To wildly paraphrase and even wilfully misquote Van Morrison, wouldn't it be great if it was Saturday all the time?😀

  3. Moving is such a massive job. Makes me realise how much I live with, without really needing. I see rolls of bubble wrap and packing boxes come up on our Freecycle site often, which saves buying more. Amble looks a good place. Especially if you can enjoy it whatever the weather. Fish and chips by the seaside is one of my favourite things to do. Good for Becky putting the effort into Geography. Hope it goes well. Six and a half days left after 12 years at school must be quite a feeling! #wotw

  4. Your trip to Amble sounds wonderful. What a great name for a town!

  5. Wow you sound very busy and organised with the move. What a beautiful place to visit snd can't beat chips at the seaside X #wotw

  6. Glad you had a nice day, despite the weather. Doesn't half term go so quickly, you think you've done nothing, when in fact you haven't stopped x

  7. Aw I haven't visited the each in Northumberland in ages but we love visiting Alnwick, I bet the move is keeping you so busy moving is so exciting and it sounds like you will love your new area with nicer neighbours, I bet Becky cant wait for the exams to be over x

  8. Lol, I like the thought of half-term feeling like everyday being a Saturday. Amble looks like a beautiful place and glad you enjoyed your day out even if the weather wasn't the best. Not many days left for Becky now! Good luck to her in her last few exams. #WotW

  9. That looks like a beautiful place to visit. Glad you enjoyed your day out even if the weather wasn't they best xx #wotw
