Friday, 17 May 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: School!! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has to be. This week has all been about school.

Becky has been doing her GCSE's. She's had at least one every day and so far so good. She did have a little wobble on Tuesday night about her Health and Social care exam on Wednesday but she needn't have worried as she said it was easy. Phew! She is going to college to study health and social care so it's the one subject she wants to do amazing in and I think she will. I am very proud at how she is handling the exams. She said the biology one was easier than she expected it to be and a lot of what she revised was used. She thanked me for nagging her to revise. I felt like I was winning at parenting.

We have had the letter about the leavers hoodie. Of course I'm going to buy it. It's £21 which is not as expensive as I expected it to be.They never did leavers hoodies when I was at school. Hmmf. 

Last week Ellie had mentioned that a couple of girls have been calling her names on the way home from school and following her group of friends. It had happened too many times and it was starting to get her down. Her friends and Becky have told them to stop it but it only seemed to encourage them. I went and met her from school on Friday and caught these two girls in the act. The expression on their faces was priceless. They should be ashamed of themselves. A year 9 and a year 8 picking on a year 7. Eesh! 

On Monday we had a meeting with the SENDCO woman who we have meetings with every few months because of Ellie's deafness. We told her about these two girls and she said she'd get it sorted. We had a lovely catch up with her. She is a fantastic teacher and is really supportive of Ellie. She said Ellie is set to meet all her end of year targets and she is above target for Music, French and Cooking. Obviously, they're her favourite subjects. 

We did get to the bottom of why Ellie has had a few detentions over the past few months. There were some for forgetting homework, a pencil and her planner but there was another which had us puzzled. Ellie had been caught messing around with 2 of her friends and had planned to bunk off a lesson by hiding behind some tables. That was only half the story though. We found out that she had been running around a classroom, her and her friends were shouting out obscene words and being generally disruptive. The little madam! The teacher said it didn't sound like Ellie at all and I said it didn't either but she is easily led. She also got another detention on Tuesday for passing notes in class. She was passing it from one friend to another girl. She took the blame even though it wasn't her note. She didn't want to dob in a friend which I suppose is a good thing to do, sort of.


  1. Kids will be kids, eh? #WordOfTheWeek

  2. It's so hard, when they first start secondary, isn't it? It's like they are testing how far they can go, with the new , stricter, rules. I'm glad your eldest is getting though her exams okay, we've only had small meltdowns too x

  3. Good start to the exams for Becky and, of course, you're winning at parenting. My lot have had hoodies for primary and secondary. I thought they'd just keep them in their drawers, but am very surprised that they still love wearing them. Eldest even wears her latest one to school sometimes. She's non-uniform now. Glad you got to the bottom of the detention puzzle. #wotw

  4. Blimey a lot to deal with but glad it is getting sorted. Good luck to Beckie with her exams X #wotw

  5. Well done to Becky, it sounds like she is doing so well with her GCSEs. Good luck to her for the rest of them!
    I felt really angry reading about those girls being mean to Ellie. I really hope it will stop now.

  6. The joys of high school ! I often think it's so much more stressful than primary school. Girls can be so mean, hope Ellie is okay. It sounds like Becky is doing well, her exams will soon be over and then she can relax for the summer x

  7. Kids eh... glad Becky is doing well in her exams though. Deep breath!
    Karen - Early Rising Mum

  8. argh I hate bullies, I remember when I was about Ellies age and on my way home from school, some older girls came over and punched me in the arm then just walked off laughing. I don't know what they get out of hurting someone younger either physically or words, I'm glad I never raised my kids that way. Well done Becky on Flying through her GCSEs xx

  9. Glad that Becky's exams are going well and hope that things get sorted out with the girls picking on Ellie. I like the sound of the leavers' hoodie - would have loved something like that when I was Becky's age. #WotW

  10. How horrible that girls in higher years think they can be mean to a year 7, poor Ellie and I hope it has stopped now. Sounds as if Becky is coping well with the exams, soon be over, soon be over, soon be over (that was my chant from 12 months ago) x

  11. That is not nice at all. Some girls can be so horrid. I hope you get it sorted out. Glad the exams are going well for Becky xx #wotw
