Sunday, 5 May 2019

They will help around the house, for a price! #MySundaySnapshot

One of the best things about having teenagers is that they will help out around the house, of course for a price. To sort the clean washing, fold it, put it away, hang another load out and put more in the washer cost me £2. I think that's a fair price. At least it got me out of having to do it. hehehe


  1. Mine would rather be broke! haha x

  2. Haha, amazing what you can do with a bit of bribery ;) X #mysundaysnapshot

  3. I love this photo, the colours and composition really appeals to me. And £2 seems fair for that amount of work, I think x #MMBC

  4. I did that as a child and did not get paid, a little payment sounds like a great deal to me. #MMBC

  5. My daughter would rather hide away in her bedroom. She might help if you give her cake lol.

  6. That is such a good idea. I did it too and my kids have little jobs too xx

  7. That's a really good price - thanks for sharing and for linking up with #mysundaysnapshot.
