Friday, 24 May 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Ordinary! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This past week has been one of those weeks where there hasn't been much to write about. It's been a pretty average and ordinary week. 

Becky has been getting on with her GCSE's. She has had a couple of exams that she was worried about this week. Maths and physics but after doing them she said they weren't as bad as she was expecting. We got a letter from the school yesterday that she is expected at school on Thursday for Geography revision. It's optional but she will be going. 

I think Ellie is playing detention bingo. Trying to get one for every possible reason. This past week she had a break time detention for "Inadequate Work". She said it was because she never read enough and on Wednesday and she also got in trouble for "Immature behaviour" in PE. She's served bans from the computer and we've had words. I think sometimes she gets a bit too confident at school and pushes her luck.

All the bullying issues that I mentioned last week have been sorted. The two older girls have left Ellie alone and one even went to Becky and told her to say sorry to Ellie for her. Becky told her to do it herself. hehehe From what I can gather they thought it was "just a bit of fun". It might have been for them but it wasn't for Ellie. 

Stu woke on Sunday morning with a sore shoulder. He said it feels like a trapped nerve. I love him to bits but he has moaned a lot instead of actually doing something to fix it. He was taking ibuprofen and that's it. I've made him soak in the bath, change his pillow in bed and sprayed deep heat spray on him. Nothing was helping. He went to the doctors yesterday and was given tablets which should help. I hope they do. 

My week seems to have revolved around the TV. I couldn't sleep properly on Sunday night because I was thinking too much about the finale of Game of Thrones! I watched it as soon as the kids went to school and I actually liked the ending! Then I started watching The Handmaid's Tale. Wow! It's shocking but so addictive to watch. I am well and truly hooked and I can't wait until the new series.

The kids break up for half term today and we are so looking forward to relaxing. We have one day out planned for next week, just to our favourite beach. We are trying to save the pennies as it's just over a month until we move house. All we'll have to buy is the bus ticket and of course fish & chips.


  1. I to thought the ending to game of thrones was rather good , but it did feel as if they tried to cram two series into one

  2. I’ve never watched any of Game of Thrones but I found myself looking up how it ended just because of all the hype online, lol! Glad the bullying has been resolved and hope that things improve with Ellie playing Detention bingo. Hope Stu’s shoulder gets better soon as well and good luck to Becky for the rest of her GCSEs. #WotW

  3. It is fun when you enjoy something that makes you excited for the next episode to come on. Haha I feel your pain my hubby is the same X #wotw

  4. An ordinary week is a good week, no major dramas or other stresses. I am sure once you start packing to move you will be looking back at ordinary and longing for it

  5. I've had a similar week to you, nothing much happened. I think you are right about Ellie playing detention bingo, I hope she settles down soon as detentions are no fun. I loved the ending of Game of Thrones but I've seen some passionate statuses about how much people hated it, you can't please everyone I suppose. Have a lovely weekend x #WotW

  6. Detention bingo — I love it! Glad your hubby finally went to the doc. I know, as a man, I do exactly the same, moan and grind on through and take ages to actually see someone!! #WofW

  7. My week was quiet too. Filled but nothing major. Must be the run up to half term. Hope Stu's shoulder is sorted out easily. Awful when the pain lingers. I've not watched Game of Thrones, but smiling at Louise's comment, as I looked up the ending too, due to the hype. Glad you were happy. So many people weren't it seems. Glad Becky's exams are going well. Not long now. Enjoy your half term. #wotw

  8. I've never watched GOT or Handmaids Tale!! I have kind of got a bit curious with everyone talking about the ending though. Good to hear that Becky is doing well and that the girls have stopped bullying Ellie. It sounds like she's pushing her boundaries at school. Enjoy your half term and day at the beach. Thanks for linking to #Wotw

  9. Thank goodness for ordinary weeks. I had to laugh at "detention bingo"! :)

  10. Ah no poor Ellie that's awful she has been bullied and I am so glad it has settled down. Little monkey though with all that detention, although I do think they go a bit wild and year 7 and settle down in year 9 Joe was the same. Becky sounds like she is dealing with her exams so well its such a stressful time ! Well done Becky x

  11. I love the ordinary, it's quite relaxing isn't it? I love Detention Bingo, but I bet you aren't a fan lol x

  12. When I was younger I used to think ordinary was boring, but now as a Mum of 3 ordinary means content with no drama! I welcome it. Have a great half term. #wotw x

  13. As others have already said here, ordinary can be very nice indeed. Not so nice for Stu and his sore shoulder though, I hope that's getting better now! About Ellie's detentions, if it continues, maybe there's something in her school environment which can be improved to help her do better? There's a man called Ross Greene who writes books, and does videos, lectures, pod casts, etc about the behaviours of children (especially ones seen as being "difficult") and his mantra is that "Kids do well if they can". Often when a child is playing up, there's something in their environment which isn't working well for them. Or it could be stress about something (moving house, bullies etc, she's got a lot on her mind?). Either way, hope all is well and that your house move will go smoothly! xx #MMBC
