Saturday, 18 May 2019

Week 20 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

Another week done and another week closer to my teen's GCSE exams being over. She's doing well. She's had a couple of wobbles but on the whole is taking them in her stride.

We have had a good week. The sun shining really helps put everyone in a good mood.

Now for a photo every day!

130/365 - 11th May
Ellie had been sorting out all her toys and now has a box with all her little things in instead of them being scattered all over the house.

131/365 - 12th May
A Fruit Bowl spinner that came with some products we have tried out.

132/365 - 13th May
My new favourite ice lolly. The Rowntree's strawberry one's. I've eaten 7 since Monday. hehehe

133/365 - 14th May
I bought my teen some inspirational pencils to use during her exams. She loves them.

134/365 - 15th May
Stu finally got around to finishing off weeding the garden. It looks so much better than it did.

135/365 - 16th May
Step away from the fridge! Even after a big tea she still feels the need to go looking for more to eat! There is no way she was hungry!

136/365 - 17th May
Another gorgeous day! I was sure I read somewhere that we were forecast rain but it held off all day until about 7pm. It's still raining now on Saturday morning!

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  1. I have fridge raiders in the house as well, even straight after dinner. Fingers crossed, the GCSE exams go smoothly for your teen and she doesn't stress too much. My boys love those strawberry lollies too. Send your fella over to our garden, it desperately needs a major weeding operation. :)

  2. It's good to hear that the GCSEs are going well. It will be nice for her to have a bit of a breather over half term. My eldest is just the same with eating when he can't possibly be hungry!

  3. I can be a fridge raider myself sometimes.
    Those pencils are great, never looked for anything like that.
    Why are you weeding the garden when you are moving????

    1. It was looking like a bit of a jungle out there. We want the house to look OK as we want the deposit back.

  4. Bet you'll be glad of a break once the GSCE's are finished. Lovely choice of pencils to inspire during the exams

  5. Sounds like a fun weekend. The toys and ice lolly look cute. And I love the motivational pencils 😊

  6. The spinner looks fun, my son loves Fruit Bowl products. Glad she's nearly at the end of her exams, hope all goes well xx #365

  7. Love the colour and it's sometimes the little things like motivational pencils that keep us going isn't it? #365

  8. Good to hear that the GCSEs are going well I hope they continue to do so. Oh my we love the watermelon ones I didn’t realise that they did strawberry ones! I will have to check them out! Ha ha I also have a fridge raider. Such cute pencils and a great idea xx

  9. Sounds like such a good weekend. Such a lovely colour. I love the watermelon ones xx #365

  10. That fruit bowl spinner looks fun!

    Glad the GCSE's are going ok. Thos inspirational pencils are fab..might have to get some for my daughter.

  11. We have boxes and bags all around the house full of toys that are all jumbled up. I would sort them but it would last minutes before getting muddled again (past experience of spending 6 months sorting lego into sets, all mixed up after a day!) #project365
