Saturday, 27 October 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 43 of #Project365

It's finally half term! Our half term started yesterday and we just pottered about the house and went for a walk to meet my fella to work. It was lovely!

Now for a photo every day.

my family sat around a table playing a board game
My youngest sat playing on her tablet and the film Moana on the TV
my teen on the computer and a smashed tablet screen
My youngest with the pumpkin she carved at school & more pumpkins for us to carve

293/365 - 20th October
We had a evening of playing the game What's that smell? It was a lot of fun!

294/365 - 21st October
We had a lazy morning wrapped in our dressing gowns and playing on electronics.

295/365 - 22nd October
Ellie was off school poorly and we watched a couple of films. Moana was one of them.

296/365 - 23rd October
Becky on the computer.

297/365 - 24th October
Ellie left her tablet on the floor under a blanket and my fella ended up standing on it. Oops.

298/365 - 25th October
Ellie carved a pumpkin at school in the lunch club and she brought it home. She did a great job.

299/365 - 26th October
Our pumpkins arrived. We will be carving them today. I only ordered 6 but 7 arrived. Hooray! 


  1. Wow, that is a lot of pumpkins! We only usually get one. I bet Ellie was disappointed about her tablet. Will you be able to get it fixed?

  2. Goodness, that's a lot of pumpkins to carve! Do you save the inside and cook soup or something else? The poor tablet looks bad, hope it's just the screen, and you can get a new one. Well done to Ellie, who did a great job with her pumpkin!

  3. I'll be carving a melon as Pumpkins here are around £20+ Whoops to the ipad screen, listens learnt all round I guess, hope Ellie is feeling better

  4. I hope you like pumpkin soup, pie, curry, sandwiches etc. It took my hens a while to get through one pumpkin. I can't imagine what to do with seven of 'em!

  5. Wow that's a lot of pumpkin carving! I'm afraid I'm too lazy for that, but Ellie's pumpkin looks great.

  6. God one pumpkin to carve is enough for me! Good luck, oops to the screen #365

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  8. Oh no at the tablet, easy done but not what you need.
    Good grief at all those pumpkins, a lot of carving. remember and put out the cut out bits for the wild animals.
    Hope Ellie is feeling better.

  9. We played Whats That Smell too but I was rubbish at it! My son's tablet has a crack across it so saving up for a new one... #project365
