Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Let's talk about Boobs! #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth

Throughout October I will be joining in with Big Family Organised Chaos and her linky for Blogtober18. Today's prompt is: Boobs!

A pink bra and the text Lets talk about boobs

Boobs come in all shapes and sizes. I have biggish boobs and sometimes I love them and sometimes I don't...Most of the time they are in my way but they do have their advantages....

The Pros.

There is always someone who wish they have half of what you’ve got.
Even a big belly doesn’t look big because the breasts stick out more.
You give the best hugs!
Some dresses are just made to be filled out at the top.
They are attention grabbers!
No need for push-up bras or inserts!!
Boobs can act like a makeshift shelf. You can rest an assortment of different things on them from a bowl of cereal to your remote control.
You can use your boobs to make space for yourself in a crowd.
Everyone can read what is written on your T-shirt.
Effortless cleavage!!

But on the flip side. The Cons

Hugging becomes pretty awkward because your boobs reach the person before your arms do.
Having to hold your boobs as you walk down the stairs or run!
Your towel can never be securely wrapped around your chest!  
You can pretty much never go without a bra!!
Bra's are more expensive.
People ask what size bra you are. Rude!
Seatbelts and cross body bags are the enemy!!
Boob sweat is a thing!!
Your friends tell you how they wish they had your problem.
Strapless tops are just impossible! 

I have a reason for talking about boobs. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, one person is diagnosed every 10 minutes. 1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and this Breast Cancer Awareness Month around 5,000 people will be diagnosed. Every year around 11,400 people die from breast cancer in the UK....

Breast Cancer Awareness logo. A pink ribbon

BUT Breast cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the last forty years in the UK and almost 9 in 10 women survive breast cancer for five years or more.

Everyone’s breasts are different so get to know how your breasts normally look and feel. Checking your breasts regularly and knowing what you’re looking for is your first step in beating breast cancer. 

You should see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

A change in the size, shape or feel of a breast.
A new lump or thickening in a breast or armpit.
Skin changes such as puckering, dimpling, a rash or redness of the skin.
Fluid leaking from a nipple and you aren't pregnant or breastfeeding.
Changes in the position of a nipple.
Breast pain.

Many symptoms of breast cancer, such as breast pain or a lump may in fact be caused by normal breast changes or a benign (not cancer) breast condition. 

Some people think that having breast cancer will cause other symptoms apart from a breast change such as feeling tired, having less energy or weight loss but this is not the case. If you notice a change, even if you feel well, it’s important to visit your GP!!


  1. Loving your pros and cons... Your pros make me wish for bigger books, your cons make me thankful for my A cups haha!

  2. Your pros and cons are spot on :) I hate seatbelts.

  3. Ha ha I love this - I have big boobs and can relate to all your pros and cons! More importantly how important it is to check them

  4. I was definitely given more than a fair share of boobs. Definitely agree to your pros and cons.

  5. Haha love these, I suffer from some of the pros and cons to be honest and am probably medium size. I still can't get a towel to stay put though! Love all these great cancer awareness posts! Such a fantastic cause x

  6. Love this post! As a lady that has only ever had large ones when she has been breastfeeding, I wouldn't mind half of yours! All joking aside, its so amazing to see so many bloggers helping to raise awareness x

  7. Great post, love the pros and cons, my MIL had massive boobs even though she had some removed because she had breast cancer twice in her 20's but I remember her holding the babies and couldn't really cuddle them properly because the big boobs #Blogtober18

  8. What a great post, gives a fun and serious point of view. Well done.
