Thursday, 18 October 2018

My blogging values. #Blogtober18

Throughout October I will be joining in with Big Family Organised Chaos and her linky for Blogtober18. Today's prompt is: Respect Everyone #WorldValuesDay #ConflictResolutionDay

text and a laptop, keyboard, book and mouse

Values are what make us who we are. They are the compass guiding everything we do, our choices, our actions and a lot of my personal values apply when it comes to blogging too.

I blog honestly. I share a lot of my life online the good and the bad. There are things that I keep back which are private to us as a family but on the whole part my blog is an honest representation of my life. 

Every now and then I review products. Sometimes I paid for these products and sometimes I am sent them free of charge to review. It doesn't matter whenever I review something I am honest. If I didn't like something I will say so and I have in the past. I will try to find positives but I won't blatantly lie and say I loved something when I don't.

I love blogging. I am not in it for the money and "freebies". I never have been. I started blogging nearly 6 years ago and didn't even know you could earn a living from blogging. I thought people bought everything they reviewed themselves and paid for the giveaways too.

I will keep blogging not for as long as someone reads it but for as long as I love and enjoy it. I really would still blog even if no one read it. It is a great way to record mine and my girls life and look back on. 

I respect other bloggers. There are so many that I look up to. Those who have been blogging a lot longer than I have and know everything and newer bloggers who started blogging well after me and have just got it! I may not always agree with what every blogger writes but I respect their opinions. It would be a boring world if we all thought the same.

I am pretty dedicated to this little blog of mine. I have been daily blogging for nearly 6 years and people always say it must be so hard but I started daily blogging from the beginning so I know no different. I do most of my blog post writing on a Friday evening for the week ahead. I have a routine and it works for me. I also make sure to have some back up posts in case I don't have anything to write about that week. 

I have met so many people through blogging and I would call quite a few of these people friends. They may just be there behind a computer screen but they are there to listen, offer support and a kind word.

You need a lot of patience when it comes to blogging. When you start you have to wait for that first reader to come and visit, you have to wait for replies to emails, parcels to be delivered and ideas to come to you. You have to patiently wait to spend time on the computer while your children need you and you have an amazing idea for a blog post and you need a whole heap of patience when it comes to learning new things like editing photos and changing the layout of your blog.

I am always transparent with my readers. If I am sent something to review I will tell you. I never have and never will pay for followers, I would never promote something that I don't believe in. Things like gambling and MLM schemes will never be seen here on my blog. I will give credit where credit is due and I try to link back to websites and blogs when I feel I should.

I appreciate all of you that keep coming back and reading, commenting and sharing my blog posts. Thank you!


  1. I'm with you on the dedication part. I've been working overtime on my blog recently to get posts scheduled for this month and the next 2 months. I'm nearly there!
    Like you, I love blogging so it doesn't feel like a chore :) xx

  2. Great values and similar to mine, although I couldn't blog daily. I have been blogging 3 times a week since the summer which I'm happy with (plus all the extra ones in the last few weeks because I have so much to do and I'm broke. But ultimately I love blogging and that's what will keep me going

  3. I love yourw values, I'm still quite new to this, and I LOVE it. It's quite all consuming as there is so much to learn. I would love to write ahead of schedual but I tend to squeeze the writing it at night and it takes all my spare time promoting to get a few page views.
