Thursday, 25 October 2018

Years gone by. #Blogtober18

Throughout October I will be joining in with Big Family Organised Chaos and her linky for Blogtober18. Today's prompt is: Years gone by. 

I didn't know what to blog about for this prompt but then decided to share some photos and the stories about them. All of these photos are from October of years gone by.

Halloween 2008.

This was the day that Ellie decided to walk! She was about 14 months old and took her first steps on Halloween. She was hindered by the fancy dress she was wearing but it didn't stop her. Once she had walked once she was off!

It was also the last year the school allowed the kids to go in dressed up. They decided afterwards that they didn't like to celebrate Halloween anymore. Hmmf. Stu had great fun doing Becky's make up. hehehe

Halloween 2010

This was the first year where we carved pumpkins! I hadn't even done one before never mind the kids. The kids had great fun and it is a tradition that we have carried on. We carve pumpkins every year now.

It was also the start of the Halloween party teas. I am not usually a fan of Halloween but party teas are a lot of fun. I would much rather do a party tea than take the kids out trick or treating.

Halloween 2012.

Two little witches!

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2017.

This was the year we went all out. The kids had new costumes. Well Ellie did, Becky said she was too old for dressing up so she just got a t-shirt. 

We decorated, did crafts and some baking too.

This year I haven't a clue what we are doing for Halloween. It should be a fun one because the kids are off school for their half term holidays.

What do you have planned for Halloween?


  1. Love how much the kids have changed, gorgeous. My husband and I really dislike trick or treating but the kids are determined to go this year, thankfully I’m busy on Wednesday day and night so I won’t have time to take them haha. We are having a very belated Halloween/bonfire event at the archery club in November which I’ve bought a Halloween costume for haha.

  2. What lovely photos of your beautiful girls. They look so young! Where does the time go?
    We don't go trick or treating, not that there's much point because we are in the sticks! I much prefer to put on a Halloween tea instead. x
