Friday, 5 October 2018

This week my Word of the Week is: Experience! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

The word experience.

This week could have been a rubbish one. I started with a cold on Friday and Becky started with it not long after. I have felt rotten for most of the week but I think I have started to shake it off and today I am feeling better than I have in days.

Becky has the chance of some part time work in the run up to Christmas. I still can't get my head around the fact that she is 16 never mind that she is legally old enough to have a proper job. She has got the job already but she doesn't know that. hehehe She has to fill in the application form and go for a proper interview before she starts which will be fantastic experience for her. The person employing her said that she likes to give young people a chance. Now a days you need experience to get a job but can't get a job without experience. 

We have worked out that she will earn about £400 before Christmas which will all be hers but I am going to give her the responsibility of putting money on her phone and buying her own magazines, bath bombs and things like that. We also have to open a bank account for her. She has a savings account but I think now is the right time to get her a proper one with a bank card. Eek! It will be a great chance for her to learn how to manage money.

Ellie also experienced her first proper after school disco. They finish school early on a Wednesday and she spent from 3pm until half past 4 getting ready. She had her outfit picked out for a week but wanted her hair straightened, a bit of make up on and to sort her handbag out. lol

My youngest girl all dressed up for her first proper school disco.

She looked so grown up and Becky said she had "swagger" and she did. She was confident and so, so happy! Her friend came and called for her and it was so lovely to see them go off together. Ellie has never had a really close girly friend until the past few weeks. I am so glad that she is getting to experience a friendship like she has. It's good being friends with boys but being friends with girls is totally different. 

Ellie had a fantastic time at the disco and even danced. As much as she loved to dance at home she never dances in front of other people outside of the house. She would always just sit and watch people dancing when she was at primary school. (I saw her when I helped with the PTA discos). I really think it is because she has some proper friends who give her the confidence.

Word of the week linky button


  1. Sorry you've been feeling under the weather, hope you're 100% soon. Sounds like a great week of new experiences for the girls. Glad they're both doing so well, Ellie sounds like she's settling in so well at school x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Experience is an amazing word to have this week. Good for Becky having a job. Also Ellie for joining in at school. I hope her confidence grows. She does look grown-up. (Handbag?) #wotw

  3. What a lovely post, well done Becky on getting a job! I can't believe how quickly your girls are growing up now. Be careful not to blink! x

  4. Wow, it really does sound as though everyone is experiencing new things in your house. I remember getting my first Saturday job, I felt so grown up. I hope that they relish this new found adulthood!

  5. That's brilliant that Becky has a job, it will give her lots of independence and is a great lesson in managing her own money. Well done to Ellie too, her confidence seems to be growing and growing at the moment it must be wonderful to see. I hope you are feeling a bit better this weekend x

  6. What a lovely week! Full of new things to experience for both your girls!


  7. Glad to hear that Ellie enjoyed her school disco and good luck to Becky with her job. That's quite a big milestone for her (and you!) Hope that you are feeling much better this week too x #WotW

  8. How lovely she is coming out of her shell and going to after school things with a new school friend.
    I think you are quite right to get her a bank account and to have her buying some of her own luxuries
